PT:Praetor (Nova Roma)

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Nossos magistrados

Aedilis curulis
Aedilis plebis
Tribunus plebis
Tribunus militum

Praefectus rei publicae administrandae
Curator aerarii
Curator rei informaticae


Classification of magistracies

Magistracy overview

The praetores are the second highest executive magistrates and vice-presidents of the Nova Roman Republic and are considered as lower colleagues and deputies for the consules. There are two praetores in Nova Roma and their principal duty is to oversee the official fora and to administer the judicial sytem.

To stand for election as praetor, a potential candidate is required to be at least 25 years old as of the effective date of office, must already have served at least six months as a consul, praetor, aedilis, quaestor, tribunus plebis, magister aranearius (formerly curator araneae), editor commentariorum (formerly curator differum), rogator, or provincial governor and must be assiduus.

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