Senatus consultum de sodalitatum restitutione (Nova Roma)

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This senatus consultum is currently IN FORCE.
Long has been the history and the use of sodalities in ancient Rome and by extension, Nova Roma. Several sodalitates, or associations, exist within Nova Roma for the discussion of topics of special interest to Nova Roma citizens. These sodalitates had mailing lists of their own, and at least one had a website, but Yahoo, the hosting company for the mailing lists, destroyed first the files and other content of these lists, then the lists themselves some time ago, so the members have had no way of communicating with their fellows since then. Since not only could any citizen may be a member of several of the sodalitates, but also non-citizens could join and participate in the mailing lists of some as well, the latter in particular could not contact or be contacted by others of like interests. The Lex Cassia de creatione sodalitatum remains in force and effective at defining the creation of Sodalitates in Nova Roma though unfortunately, many sodalities relied on the now defunct Yahoo groups and issues under the illegal dictatorship saw many of these sodalitates become inactive. We hope to revive the Sodalities with this legislation.
I. This senatus consultum allows for the current existing and originally recognized sodalities to be formally reinstated, under temporary governance, to re-establish standard operations under their respective approved charters once those have been recovered. That for the Sodalitas Latinitatis has already been found and posted to this body, as have some others. The process to establish new sodalitates remains unchanged as defined by Lex Cassia de creatione sodalitatum.
II. The Senate hereby appoints the following individuals as points of contact for sodalitas members to lobby for the continued recognition of their respective sodalities. These officers are to notify the citizens of Nova Roma of this initiative to revive the sodalities and seek to determine any existing membership. The Praetores may, through an edict, assign other eligible and knowledgeable citizens as support staff of members with responsibility for this initiative:
- A. Sodalitas Coquorum et Cerevisiae Coctorum (A. Tullia Scholastica)
- B. Sodalitas Egressus (Cn. Cornelius Lentulus)
- C. Sodalitas Graeciae (A. Tullia Scholastica)
- D. Sodalitas Latinitatis (A. Tullia Scholastica)
- E. Sodalitas Militaris (Q. Arrius Nauta)
- F. Sodalitas Munerum (M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius)
- G. Sodalitas Musarum (A. Tullia Scholastica).
- E. Sodalitas Pro Diis (Cn. Cornelius Lentulus)
III. Those citizens believing themselves to be representative as a knowledgeable member or previous officer of a sodalitas may present themselves and the necessary supporting documentation under Lex Cassia de creatione sodalitatum to any named former officer for assessment. Members and officers have until pr. Kal. Dec. to identify themselves and re-establish their sodalities. After this time any sodalities with insufficient membership, leadership or otherwise not meeting their charter will be dissolved by the Senate.
IV. The Senate or the consules may, through an edict, appoint a temporary officer or magistrate for a sodalitas of those citizens they deem sufficient in re-establishing the sodalitas, and may create mailing lists for them even pending that. Any temporary officer or magistrate appointed in this manner has until the time specified in part III to demonstrate to the Senate that the sodalitas meets and operates to the defined charter once those have been recovered. The Consuls are empowered to undertake this initial governance role of a sodalitas at their discretion.
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