Session LXXXXVI November 2 2763

This is provisory page, still to be built, specially its table "Voting details by senator". Thanks for your understanding.
P. Memmius Albucius
Conv. mag. | Call date | Call msg | Session beg. | Session end | Contio beg. | Contio end | Vote beg. | Vote end | Rep. tb | Rep. nb msg |
Cos PMA | Nov. 11, 2763 | SL 17710 | Nov. 12, sunset | Nov 19, 17:00 | Nov. 12, 13:00 | Nov. 17, 13:00 | Nov. 17, 14:00 | Nov. 19, 16:30 | GAR | ML 76xxx |
Consult the text of the Call to order in the :
Consular convening edict of November 2763 auc 2nd session. The Senate of Nova Roma has sat, as usual, but more specially here on regard of the evoked points, as Board of Nova Roma Inc..
No member has given a proxy to another senator
Item nb. | Item title | Mand. SC | Appr. of a pres. mag. prop. | Nb of sen. | Voters | Non voters | Quorum obt. | 2/3 qual. maj. | UR | ABS | ANT | APPR |
I | Elections – entry in office (date) – tribunes and other mag. - SCU suspending the constitution | no | yes | 26 | 12 | 14 | yes | no | 12 | 0 | 0 | YES |
II | Financial report and other financial and fiscal NR Inc. obligations – request from former sen. Moravius - official position of Nova Roma | no | yes | 26 | 12 | 14 | yes | no | 10 | 1 | 1 | YES |
III | Sexual harassment – request from former sen. Moravius - official position of Nova Roma | no | yes | 26 | 12 | 14 | yes | no | 9 | 2 | 1 | YES |
IV | Equites – Annual financial contribution - applicability in time | no | yes | 26 | 12 | 14 | yes | no | 4 | 3 | 5 | NO |
V | Taxes 2764 auc – Amount - magistrates, officers and citizens respective status | no | yes | 26 | 12 | 14 | yes | no | 5 | 2 | 5 | NO |
VI | Elections - Lex Iunia de Magistratuum aetate – age exemption – G. Cocceius Spinula | no | yes | 26 | 12 | 14 | yes | YES | 11 | 1 | 0 | NO |
Note : Eight senators on twenty-one did not vote :
DIPI, CFD, MCC, MIS, MMA, MAM, TGP, ECF, MLA. Since Oct. 31, 2763, two senators-directors resigned (FGA and MMPH) and five are currently suspended for non-payment, on Nov. 1, of their annual fee to NR Inc. : GMM, KFBM, FAC, AMA, GPL.
File:Vote November 2 2763 per sen.jpg
Note :
1. The first column refers to the order of seniority of the senators ;
2. This table contains only the abbreviated names of the senators who were allowed to vote (28 senators on Oct. 31 minus 2 resignations (FGA and MMPH) minus 5 suspensions for non-payment of the annual fee - see above : thus 21 senators);
3. In blue, the last confirmations of vote, during the tally. In red, the vote "against". If a cell contains two mentions, it means that a director has changed his/her vote ;
4. The number of each item (see in the head of the columns) refers to the order of the presentation during the session. The missing numbers had been given to items which were not provided for the vote (information...). These numbers have been re-numbered in I, II... to VII (see above).