Ludi Amphitheatricum Championship

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Racing Factiones: Factio Praesina, Factio Albata‎, Factio Russata, Factio Veneta

Gladiator Schools: Ludus Praesinus, Ludus Albatus‎, Ludus Russatus, Ludus Venetus

Other pages of interest: Circenses/Munera Gladitoria/Venationes rules, Ludi pages, Aedile portal

Championships: Circenses Championship, Gladiatorial Championship, Cultural Championship

2008 Ludi Amphitheatricum Championship ~ M. Moravio T. Iulio cos. MMDCCLXI a.u.c.

The Ludi Amphitheatricum Championship Series of Nova Roma consists of a two-part series, Individual Competition (Series I) and Team Competition (Series II). Victory points are awarded to competitors in both munera gladiatoria matches, venationes matches and foot races, which are held throughout the year during Ludi and other festivals. The matches and races included in the championship series are determined by the Curule and Plebeian Aediles each year.

  • Number of Curule Aedile Matches/Races: 0
  • Number of Plebeian Aedile Matches/Races: 0

SERIES I: Individual Championship Participants:

Number Ludus Owner Gladiator/Animal Name Type Points
I Praesinus Gaia Aurelia Falco Silvana Yuften ***MORTUUS*** Mountain Goat 6
II Praesinus Gaia Aurelia Falco Silvana Aghira "the Leopard" Retiarius 20
III Venetus Quintus Vitellius Triarus Vopiscus Lupercius ***MORTUUS*** Wolf 18
IV  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
V  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
VI  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
VII  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
VIII  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
IX  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
X  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
XI  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
XII  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
XIII  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
XIV  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
XV  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
XVI  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
XVII  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
XVIII  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
XIX  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
XX  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
XXI  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
XXII  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
XXIII  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
XXIV  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
XV  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
XXVI  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
XXVII  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
XXVIII  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
XXIX  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0
XXX  ? add your name here  ?  ? 0

MORTUUS: Deceased/Killed

SERIES II: Factio Championship Participants:

Ludus Lanista Leading Owner Leading Gladiator Leading Animal Factio Points
Albatus  ?  ?  ?  ? 0
Praesinus  ? Gaia Aurelia Falco Silvana Aghira the Retiarius Yuften the Mountain Goat 26
Russatus  ?  ?  ?  ? 0
Venetus  ? Quintus Vitellius Triarus Vopiscus  ? Lupercius the Wolf 18

Victory Points Calculation Rules

Munera Gladiatoria and Venationes Matches:

In the Ludi Amphitheatricum Championship Series of Nova Roma (Munera Gladiatoria/Venationes) the Victory Points are calculated according to the following rules. Points are given in each match, ideally of 4 players. For example 16 players means 4 Quarters match, 2 Semi-Finals match and 1 Finals match. Of each match of each level the two best will be given points.

Participant: Quarters: Semi-Finals: Finals:
Par: 1 VP Q-1: 4 VP S-1: 8 VP F-1: 12 VP
Q-2: 2 VP S-2: 6 VP F-2: 10 VP

Foot Races:

In the Ludi Amphitheatricum Championship Series of Nova Roma (Foot Races) the Victory Points are calculated according to the following rules. Points are given in each race for 1st through 6th places, plus participation points are given for 7th and subsequent places.

Participant: 6th Place: 5th Place: 4st Place: 3rd Place: 2nd Place: 1st Place:
1 VP 2 VP 4 VP 6 VP 8 VP 10 VP 12 VP

Ludi Amphitheatricum Championship Annual Award:

Corona Amphitheatricum Novae Romae
Awarded for 1st Place in annual Ludi Amphitheatricum Championship. Award consists of a 2 1/2" cast gold medal with red and gold neck ribbon (1 1/2" x 30")
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