Session October 2775

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| style="text-align:center; font-size:8pt;" | I
| style="text-align:center; font-size:8pt;" | I
| style="text-align:center; font-size:8pt;" | [[Senatus consultum de foedere cum re publica Canadana Romana internationali (Nova Roma)|Senatus consultum de foedere cum re publica Canadana Romana internationali]]
| style="text-align:center; font-size:8pt;" | [[Senatus consultum de foedere cum Re Publica Canadana Romana Internationali (Nova Roma)|Senatus consultum de foedere cum Re Publica Canadana Romana Internationali]]
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| style="text-align:center; font-size:8pt;" | V
| style="text-align:center; font-size:8pt;" | V
| style="text-align:center; font-size:8pt;" | [[Senatus consultum de relatione annua rei publicae cenomanicae (Nova Roma)|senatus consultum de relatione annua rei publicae cenomanicae]]
| style="text-align:center; font-size:8pt;" | [[Senatus consultum de relatione annua Rei Publicae Cenomanicae (Nova Roma)|Senatus consultum de relatione annua Rei Publicae Cenomanicae]]

Latest revision as of 10:28, 19 November 2022


Presiding Magistrate

A. Tullia Scholastica, Consul

The session was chaired by A. Tullia Scholastica. The 'Call to Convene' was announced on a.d. IX Kal. Nov.

Consular Auspices

C. Claudius Quadratus, augur, took the auspices for consul A. Tullia Scholastica and they were favorable.

Consular Opening and Closing Ceremony

The Senate session was ritually opened by a sacrificial ceremony by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, on behalf of consul A. Tullia Scholastica.


The Senate of Nova Roma currently has 20 voting members which gives a minimum quorum of 14 voting members. With 19 senate members present and with 1 present through proxy, the QUORUM IS ACHIEVED.

Proxy - Gaius Petronius Dexter is on Leave - his Proxy is assigned to Sextus Lucilius Tutor - therefore, as per XI.J of the SENATUS CONSULTUM DE RATIONE SENATUS MMDCCLXV, he is deemed present.

The 20 voting members are (first those who are currently magistrates then in order of senatorial rank):

  • A. Tullia Scholastica, princeps senatus, senatrix censoria, CONSUL
  • Sex. Lucilius Tutor, senator censorius, CONSUL
  • C. Cornelius Barosus, senator praetorius, PRAETOR
  • D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, senator tribunicius, PRAETOR
  • P. Annaeus Constantinus Placidus, senator censorius, CENSOR
  • Q. Arrius Nauta, senator consularis, CENSOR
  • M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius, senator praetorius, AEDILIS CURULIS
  • A. Vitellius Celsus, senator aedilicius, AEDILIS CURULIS
  • M. Hortensia Maior Fabiana Faustina, senatrix praetoria, AEDILIS PLEBIS
  • M. Caecilius Metellus Tocaiensis, senator aedilicius, AEDILIS PLEBIS
  • M. Pompeius Caninus, senator consularis, TRIBUNUS PLEBIS
  • C. Artorius Praeconinus, senator praetorius, TRIBUNUS PLEBIS
  • C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus, senator quaestorius, TRIBUNUS PLEBIS
  • Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, senator quaestorius, QUAESTOR
  • C. Flavius Constantinus Aeneas Stilicho, senator privatus, QUAESTOR
  • Fl. Vedius Germanicus, senator dictatorius
  • T. Domitius Draco, senator consularis
  • C. Petronius Dexter, senator praetorius, ON LEAVE OF ABSENCE
  • A. Iulius Paterculus, senator aedilicius
  • Gallio Velius Marsallas, senator quaestorius

The following 2 tribuni plebis who are not senators themselves have the right to attend this meeting of the Senate and are invited to participate therein:

  • Ti. Caecilia Sabina, TRIBUNA PLEBIS
  • A. Fabricius Pardalas, TRIBUNUS PLEBIS


09:00 AM Rome Time (CET) a.d. XIV Kal. Nov. 2775 AVC (19 October 2022) Call to convene.
09:00 AM Rome Time (CET) a.d. VIII Kal. Nov. 2775 AVC (25 October 2022) Call to order. Debate period commences. Debate period lasts until the time specified during the session according to the rules of SENATUS CONSULTUM DE SENATU HABENDO enacted on a.d. IV Kal. Iun. Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos.
10:00 PM Rome Time (CET) a.d. VI Id. Nov. 2775 AVC (8 November 2022) Call to vote. Voting period commences. Debate period continues.
9:00 AM Rome Time (CET) a.d. XVII Kal. Dec. 2775 AVC (15 November 2022) Voting period ends.
09:00 AM Rome Time (CET) a.d. XIII Kal. Dec. 2775 AVC (19 November 2022) Call to close issued before this time.


ITEM I Proposed SC for ratification of the merger agreement as administered by the NR merger committee. Item for Vote
ITEM II Consideration of the consolidated 2774 provincial assessment and evaluation report. Item for Vote
ITEM III Proroguing of governorships and consideration of America Cismississippiana and Nova Britannia governorships. Item for Vote
ITEM IV Senate endorsement of the Forum Domitium (NR Discord) Memorandum of Understanding. Item Withdrawn
ITEM V Commendation of P. Aurelius Barbatus Item for Vote
ITEM VI Establishing visible process about annual reporting for the incorporation Item for Vote; Under Senate Seal
ITEM VII Hearing of the proposed rogatio on Law Administration by D. Aurelius Ingeniarius.

Proposal Results

ITEM I - Senatus consultum de foedere cum re publica Canadana Romana internationali

Uti rogas / censeo / consentio = ATS, SLT, DAI, QAN, Fl.VG., GVM, AVC, MHMF, MMT, PACP, CPST, MACJ, TDD, CCB, AJP, SLT (proxy for CPD), CnCL, CFCAS, MPC.

  • Comments:
ATS: This will bring a long-desired return of several of our prodigal sons and daughters.
SLT: This is like our conquered land with the long war after the coup.
DAI: Great to see this large endeavour drawing to a close. I extend my thanks to the committee from NR and RR for all the hard work. Let’s start our new combined chapter!
TDD: This has long been a necessity in restoring Nova Roma. I hope other splinter organizations eventually return home as well. Rome under one banner.

Antiquo = 0

Abstineo = 0


ITEM II - Senatus consultum de provinciis examinandis et ordinandis

Uti rogas / censeo / consentio = ATS, SLT, DAI, QAN, Fl.VG., GVM, AVC, MHMF, MMT, PACP, CPST, MACJ, TDD, CCB, AJP, SLT (proxy for CPD),CnCL, CFCAS, MPC.

  • Comments:
ATS: Magno cum dolore, uti rogas. Therapeiá eget.
SLT: I think this is a good step to right direction for better quality performance.
DAI: Further education and consultation is clearly required on provincial evaluation legislation. Much was explained in the senate but a package should be developed for public consumption. There is perhaps room for minor alterations to nomenclature and terminology to appease the English speakers without significantly altering intent. I encourage a future workshop to discuss this. I also wanted to note that without my suggested inclusion on this SC, governor reporting requirements are now misaligned to provincial evaluation periods. New governors of provinces only have about 3 months to demonstrate improvements before the next reporting period. It is no longer clear in law due to the passage of events and timing of legislation; the harmony of governor reporting to province evaluations in out of synchronisation. This is easily rectified but should be considered by the Senate soon.
FLVG: With the hope that a broad discussion on the whole provincial system may be forthcoming once the current session is complete.
TDD: Under the condition that the present documentation undergoes review and editing.

Antiquo = 0

Abstineo = 0


ITEM III - Senatus consultum de praesidibus provinciarum

Uti rogas / censeo / consentio = ATS, SLT, DAI, QAN, Fl.VG., GVM, AVC, MHMF, MMT, PACP, CPST, MACJ, CCB, AJP, SLT (proxy for CPD), CnCL, CFCAS, MPC.

  • Comments:
ATS: Speremus nomen novum provinciae cuidam mox creandum.
SLT: I wish them good diligence and industry!
DAI: A hearty challenge has been set for several governors. I hope that those freshly appointed or reaffirmed take on the responsibility with vigour and determination. Governorship takes effort and a little bit of knowledge. Struggling governors should look to their peers for support or come back to the Senate should further guidance be needed. Good luck to all.
GVM: Hoping that a practical resolution for the naming of the Middle Atlantic Province will be forth coming.

Antiquo = TDD

  • Comments:
TDD: Unfortunately it seems the Senate has no faith in its governors, or its people. Let the governors, who are supposed to have the trust and authority of the Senate, manage the provinces they are assigned. They are the "boots on the ground" and know their people and what will be best for growth, not people in far away lands.

Abstineo = 0


ITEM V - Senatus consultum de laudibus et praemio C. Aureli Barbati

Uti rogas / censeo / consentio = ATS, SLT, DAI, QAN, GVM, AVC, MHMF, MMT, PACP, CPST, MACJ, TDD, CCB, AJP, SLT (proxy for CPD), CnCL, CFCAS, MPC.

Antiquo = 0

Abstineo = FLVG

  • Comments:
ATS: This young man should be a fine example to the other camilli and those who seek religious offices in Nova Roma.
DAI: I’ve appreciated everything about P. Aurelius Barbatus to date and he’ll easily become an excellent leader as he advances his Roman career. This is a well-deserved award as he becomes a role model in our community.
TDD: Again, provided such is granted to future graduates.


ITEM VI - Senatus consultum de relatione annua rei publicae cenomanicae

Uti rogas / censeo / consentio = ATS, SLT, DAI, QAN, FlVG, GVM, AVC, MHMF, MMT, PACP, CPST, MACJ, TDD, CCB, AJP, SLT proxy for CPD, CnCL, CFCAS, MPC

  • Comments:

Under Senate Seal - Not for Public Distribution

Antiquo = 0

Abstineo = 0


Session Results

Item nb. Item title
I Senatus consultum de foedere cum Re Publica Canadana Romana Internationali
II Senatus consultum de provinciis examinandis et ordinandis
III Senatus consultum de praesidibus provinciarum
IV Senatus consultum de laudibus et praemio C. Aureli Barbati
V Senatus consultum de relatione annua Rei Publicae Cenomanicae
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