Senatus consultum de praesidibus provinciarum (Nova Roma)

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Declaration -
Leges -
Senatus Consulta -
Decreta -
This senatus consultum is currently IN FORCE.
I. After hearing the reports of the governors of the provinces of the Nova Roman People, the Senate has decided to prorogue the following governors:
- A. Cn. Cornelius Lentulus as praefectus of Italia, dux of Dioecesis Europae Celticae et Germanicae (with the subsidiary title legatus pro praetore in the individual subprovinces), legatus pro praetore of Pannonia, Dacia, Lacus Magni, quaestor pro praetore of Brasilia, Nova Hispania and America Transmississippiana.
- B. M. Hortensia Maior Fabiana Faustina as propraetrix of Sarmatia and Scythia et Russia, and, only until the Non. Dec. (5 December), as propraetrix of America Cismississippiana.
- C. T. Domitius Draco as proconsul of America Noveboracensis et Mediatlantica.
- D. Q. Fabius Maximus as proconsul of California.
- E. D. Aurelius Ingeniarius as praetor of Australia.
- F. Ti. Iulius Nerva as legatus pro praetore of Marcomannia.
- G. A. Vitellius Celsus as legatus pro praetore of Thracia.
II. The senate removes C. Tullius Valerianus Germanicus from the position of proconsul of America Hispanica.
III. The senate appoints the following citizens as new governors:
- A. M. Cassius Iulianus as proconsul of Nova Britannia.
- B. P. Iunius Brutus as legatus pro praetore of Canada.
- C. P. Aurelius Barbatus as legatus pro praetore of America Cismississippiana, effective from Non. Dec. (5 December).
- D. D. Aurelius Ingeniarius as praetor of America Hispanica.
IV. The senate removes D. Marcius Vulpes as praefectus Cenomaniae and authorizes the governor of Nova Britannia to appoint a successor. With this, the tasks assigned to the the praefectus Regionis Cenomaniae, as previously defined, are null and void, and the task of the new praefectus Regionis Cenomaniae, regional lieutenant governor, is establish an active community of Nova Romans anywhere in the area that belongs to his supervision, plus and other tasks assigned to him by the governor.
V. The senate removes M. Larcius Parrus as legatus of Regio Noveboracensis and appoints Fl. Vedius Germanicus in his stead, based on the edict of proconsul T. Domitius Draco, effective from the date of his edict, mistakenly appointing Fl. Vedius as legatus for Regio Nova Caesarea which cannot exist as long as another region is occupying the territory. The Regiones Nova Caesarea Orientalis and Nova Caesarea Occidentalis do not legally exist at the moment, but Regio Noveboracensis encompasses both the states of New Jersey and New York. Further subdivision is not warranted unless an active community or any specific mission and action have been started in the smaller area. With this, the tasks assigned to the the legatus Regionis Noveboracensis, as previously defined, are null and void, and the task of the new legatus Regionis Noveboracensis, regional lieutenant governor, is establish an active community of Nova Romans anywhere in the area that belongs to his supervision, plus and other tasks assigned to him by the governor.
VI. The senate gives a special grant to the following governors to appoint legates with a preapproved consent of the senate.
- A. The senate authorizes proconsul T. Domitius Draco imperator to appoint and, if he deems necessary, to remove or replace, two other legates within his province according to the best of his knowledge and insight as to who these legates should be. Legatus Fl. Vedius Germanicus is not one of these two other legates.
- B. The senate authorizes praetor D. Aurelius Ingeniarius to appoint and, if he deems necessary, to remove or replace, two legates within his provinces according to the best of his knowledge and insight as to who these legates should be.
- C. The senate authorizes dux, quaestor et legatus pro praetore Cn. Cornelius Lentulus imperator to appoint and, if he deems necessary, to remove or replace, ten legates within his provinces according to the best of his knowledge and insight as to who these legates should be. One of these ten legates currently is L. Laelia Laeta Scaevola. C. Artorius Praeconinus is not one of these two other legates.
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