Senatus consultum de foedere cum Re Publica Canadana Romana Internationali (Nova Roma)

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This senatus consultum is currently IN FORCE.
On Non. Feb. of Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) coss. (February 5, 2022) the senate was offered terms of a merger whereby Nova Roma would absorb the Res Publica Canadana Romana Internationalis (the Canadian Roman Republic Cultural Group, Inc.), commonly known as the Roman Republic organization (RR), which has now since voted to dissolve as an organization for this purpose. Under the “Senatus consultum de Re Publica Canadana Romana Internationali,” enacted on a.d. III Kal. Mar, the NR senate agreed to initial terms for the proposed merger.
Through the “Edictum on creating the merger committee,” enacted on the Kal. Apr., consul Sex. Lucilius tasked a NR delegation to negotiate the conditions in which RR would be merged into NR. The delegation consisted of a consular and praetorial representative, a Collegium Pontificum authority, censorial office representative, the appointed curator aerarii (Chief Financial Officer), as well as other senior citizen representatives.
Through the negotiation, RR notified the delegation on a.d. XII Kal. Iun. (May 21) that they accepted the NR terms offered. The final agreed measures are contained in this senatus consultum, which shall also serve as the Foedus of the Civitas Foederata Res Publica Canadana Romana.
I. Recognizing Res Publica Canadana Romana as a civitas foederata of the Res Publica Nova Romana (Terms of the Merger Agreement)
The lex Fabia de oppidis et municipiis allows for external organizations, corporations and foundations to be officially recognized within Nova Roma. The senate hereby recognizes and declares the Res Publica Canadana Romana as a civitas foederata of the Nova Roman Republic, ratifies the following terms, together with the existing Constitution (Bylaws) of RR, as its Foedus under the terms of the lex Fabia de oppidis et municipiis, and grants the following terms and rights to the people of RR:
- A. All citizens of RR will be granted Nova Roman citizenship, with civitas sine suffragio, without citizenship test or probationary period en masse, at the moment of establishing RR as Civitas Foederata Res Publica Canadana Romana civium Novorum Romanorum sine suffragio. Any RR citizen who registers on the current Census of Nova Roma shall be granted civitas optimo iure, full Nova Roman citizenship, without citizenship test or probationary period.
- 1. Dual citizens will retain their date of NR citizenship as their date of citizenship.
- 2. RR citizens will have their date of citizenship from the day of their acceptance into NR (based on the formal legal enactment of the union). Individual RR citizens may elect to use their RR date of citizenship, if requested at the time of their enrolment into NR. The deadline for such requests was previously agreed by the respective merger committees, which is now over, and all such requests have been processed by the RR merger committee to NR.
- 3. Active, tax-paying patricians of RR will be granted patrician status in NR by the Comitia Curiata of NR. The Collegium Pontificum is hereby ordered to convene the Comitia Curiata to implement this instruction.
- 4. Consolidation of Roman names of RR citizens arriving to NR:
- a. Those RR citizens who have an irregular name will be asked to choose a standard one according to classical Roman onomastic standards, but if they want to keep it, if the irregular name is attested by Roman sources, they can keep it if requested.
- b. Those RR citizens who have a name that is identical with an existing NR citizen's name will be contacted and asked to change it. If they refuse to change, then the NR holder of the identical name will be asked whether they want to change it in light of the situation. If none of them wants to change it, the RR citizen will be asked to add a second cognomen. If they do not want a second cognomen, a (II) mark, or similar, will be added to their ID page.
- B. All magistrates of RR will receive recognition in the form of census points of their offices as municipal offices as per the lex Arria de censu civium aestimando. All tax-paying RR consuls, praetors, censors and aediles will be granted an exemption and be able to run for eligible offices as if they had held the NR quaestorship if requested. The deadline for such requests was, as previously agreed by both merger committees, the last day of registration to the current Census, the Ides of October of the consulship Sex. Lucilius (II) and A. Tullia (II) (October 15, 2022). All such requests have been processed by the RR merger committee to NR.
- C. All RR citizens who have paid their tax for 2775 AUC (2022) in RR will be considered tax payers in NR for the current year.
- 1. NR is willing to refund those individual RR citizens who are unhappy with the merger upon request. The deadline for such requests was, as previously agreed by both merger committees, the last day of registration to the current Census, the Ides of October of the consulship Sex. Lucilius (II) and A. Tullia (II) (October 15, 2022). All such requests have been processed by the RR merger committee to NR.
- 2. The two RR citizens who paid $500 in RR will be granted the dignity of eques equo privato, and 400 CP, for the duration covered by the $500, which would be 3.7 years, but as a welcoming gesture, it is rounded up to 4 years, counted from the year of payment.
- D. NR will award the very high recognition of public equestrian dignity, the title eques equo publico, to those RR appointed citizens who directly supported the merger among the RR citizens. The comitia curiata of RR had to name the citizens whom they wish to be promoted to this dignity no later than the end of the current Census, as previously agreed by both merger committees, until the Ides of October of the consulship Sex. Lucilius (II) and A. Tullia (II) (October 15, 2022). All such requests have been processed by the RR merger committee to NR, and the censors have elevated the aforementioned RR citizens to the dignity of eques equo publico.
- E. All active, tax-paying RR religious positions will be granted "sacerdos" priesthood in NR upon request. The Collegium Pontificum is hereby ordered to implement this instruction. If the Collegium Pontificum would not comply with this instruction of the senate, the senate will enact a senatus consultum ultimum to take disciplinary actions against those members of the Collegium who obstruct the implementation of the terms of the Foedus.
- F. Special games will be held to celebrate the finalisation of the merger. A page will be published on the NR website that documents a basic overview of RR's history, the merger, and the contributions of selected members.
II. Elevating the Civitas Foederata Res Publica Canadana Romana of Nova Roma to the status of civitas Nova Romana sine suffragio
The lex Fabia de oppidis et municipiis IV.C.4 allows the senate to elevate a civitas foederata to the civitas foederata civium Novorum Romanorum sine suffragio “even without undergoing the previous grades of civil rights status.” The senate hereby elevates the Civitas Foederata Res Publica Canadana Romana to the status of civitas Nova Romana sine suffragio.
III. Incorporation of the Civitas Foederata Res Publica Canadana Romana of Nova Roma as a municipium civium Novorum Romanorum sine suffragio
The lex Fabia de oppidis et municipiis VI.D allows a civitas foederata (and other similar entities) to present a "lex municipii" or “lex municipalis” (charter and bylaws), certified by the Praetorian Law Revision Committee of Classicists and Latinists, to the consuls, and, if the requirements in Section II of the lex Fabia de oppidis et municipiis are met, the consul shall report the lex municipii unchanged to the senate. Through its representatives, the entire citizenry of RR (several hundreds of individuals, now being recognized as either cives Novi Romani optimo iure or cives Novi Romani sine suffragio) presented the agreed terms of the merger and the Constitution of RR as the lex municipii, and consul A. Tullia Scholastica presented this lex municipii within this same senatus consultum to the senate. The senate hereby makes the following decision:
- A. The senate establishes and incorporates the Civitas Foederata Res Publica Canadana Romana of Nova Roma as a municipium civium Novorum Romanorum sine suffragio, with the name Municipium Res Publica Canadana Romana Internationalis civium Novorum Romanorum sine suffragio.
- B. The following data are required by the lex Fabia as part of the lex municipii, which are hereby clarified and recognized as part of the lex municipii:
- - the official name of the municipium: Municipium Res Publica Canadana Romana Internationalis
- - its geographical limits: international, no limits
- - the macronational corporation or entity on which the municipium is based: Roman Republic Cultural Group, Inc., Canada
- - the titles, duties and rights of its magistrates: see included in the Constitution of RR
- - the procedures for the election of its magistrates: see included in the Constitution of RR
- - the procedures of the municipal council, of the municipal comitia and local legislation: see included in the Constitution of RR
- - the procedures for the maintenance of its album civium: see included in the Constitution of RR
- C. The senate mandates the consuls to appoint P. Iunius Brutus (formerly known as P. Claudius Caecus) as praefectus iure dicundo to manage the municium during the transitional period, until the planned dissolution of the Municipium Res Publica Canadana Romana Internationalis. The praefectus iure dicundo shall be the reponsible party to implement all elements of the terms of the merger agreement and this SC within RR. In this particular situation, as the municipium is destined to be dissolved, the praefectus must not organize elections for municipal magistrates.
IV. Recognition of all past officers of Municipium Res Publica Canadana Romana Internationalis
The senate hereby grants all past magistrates and officials of RR (who served before the time of this incorporation into Nova Roma) the exceptional privilege to receive census points for their past offices under article III.A.7.e. and III.B.1 (municipal priests) of the “lex Arria de censu civium aestimando” upon its final enactment.
V. Scheduled dissolution of Municipium Res Publica Canadana Romana Internationalis
As RR has decided to be voluntarily dissolved as part of the merger into NR, upon the conclusion of the merger, under the authority of VI.D.2.e, the senate hereby empowers the praefectus iure dicundo of Municipium Res Publica Canadana Romana Internationalis, to enact and edictum dissolving, under the authority of this SC, the municipium, when he deems that all steps of the merger have been implemented and the merger has been completely concluded.
- A. The edictum of the praefectus iure dicundo will immediately dissolve the municipium under the authority of this SC without further ado.
- B. The terms, grants and privileges promised by Nova Roma to the incorporated RR citizens will take full force after the issuance of this concluding edict.
VI. Tasking of Magistrates
- A. After receiving the list of former magistrates from the RR who request to be recognized among the viri quaestorii of Nova Roma, under the authority of article I.B of the terms of the agreement of this SC, the consuls shall publish an edict with the names of all those tax-paying former RR consuls, praetors, censors and aediles who requested the waiver as described in I.B and will thus be granted an exemption and be able to run for eligible offices as if they had held the NR quaestorship.
- B. The censors and their staff have the responsibility to carry out the agreed process of integrating former RR citizens as per article I.A of the merger agreement.
- C. The aediles are hereby instructed to communicate with the censorial office to determine the ongoing status of the integration of all RR citizens into NR. Once this transition is complete, the aediles are to host a grand celebration and ludi to commemorate the merger of RR with NR.
- D. The curator rei informaticae is hereby tasked to ensure the integration and relevant adoption of any RR IT infrastructure. The curator is also to prepare a webpage documenting and celebrating the history and prominence of RR and the merger.
- E. The curator aerarii and the quaestores aerarii are to heed article I.C of the agreement and facilitate the appropriate status of former RR citizens. The curator is to aid in the facilitation of any RR assets to NR as necessary under extant processes.
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