Cursus honorum (Nova Roma)

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Cursus honorum is the Latin term for the standard political career. A cursus is literally a race, or a race-track; honores are 'honours' or 'offices'. Roman political offices are traditionally held in a certain order. This system developed over the first centuries of the republic and was for a long time purely customary, though it was gradually codified in law.

In Nova Roma, the cursus honorum is regulated by the following laws:

In general, the only Nova Roman magistracies which cannot be held without holding another (lower) office are the Censorship, Consulship and Praetorship. These offices can be held only after being Vigintisexvir or Tribunus Plebis or Quaestor or Aedilis, or provincial governor. In addition, one year was mandated between offices so that any corruption charges could be brought to the courts before the person was granted immunity by his next office.

Although there is not strict legal regulations determining the cursus honorum, the ancients venerated the course of honors and were very serious about it, though they did allow some wiggle room. Following it in Nova Roma today is a matter of good morals and honorable behavior, although the lack of citizens running for these offices requires some to not follow the normal course.

See also:

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