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Dedicated to the restoration of classical Roman religion, culture and virtues

 Roma Resurgens | Latíné | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano | Magyar | Português | Română | Русский | English| Roma Resurgens  

Hodié a.d. VI Id. Ian. P. Aurelio C. Flavio cos. MMDCCLXXVIII a.u.c. est. "G"

Recipients of the Consular Awards on the Ludi Apollinares SMALL.jpg

Nova Roma is currently celebrating the Ludi Romani with online programs and live events in Aquincum (Budapest), Pannonia, in Tibur (Tivoli), Italia, in Carnuntum (Petronell), Germania, and in Elfia (Utrecht), Gallia provinces of Nova Roma, with live gladiatorial games, reenactment battles, cultural activities and festive ceremonies and sacrifices.
Access the live posts, announcements and photo reports in our Facebook Group.

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