Senatus consultum de Magno Conventu Internationali Novae Romae Emeritae Augustae sive Romae habendo (Nova Roma)
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· Home: Legal System ·
Declaration -
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Senatus Consulta -
Decreta -
This senatus consultum is currently IN FORCE.
The senate determines the location of the 10th International Grand Convention of Nova Roma in Emerita Augusta, Merida (Spain), during the XV Emerita Ludica festival, in our Provincia Hispania, or, if the organization of that events fail to attract a large enough number of participants, the alternative location shall be Rome, during the Parilia (Natale di Roma) festival. The responsible institution for the organization is the Commissio Conventus Praeparandi (Conventus Organizing Committee), and its chairman shall be consul C. Petronius, its member shall be Cn. Lentulus, the legatus pro praetore of Hispania. Any further members shall be appointed by the provincial governor. The Commissio Conventus Praeparandi shall make the final decision whether the 10th Conventus will be moved to Rome, in which case the chairman of the Commissio shall be changed to Cn. Lentulus, praefectus Italiae. Financial support by the Treasury may be asked by the Conventus Organizing Committee.
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