Censor overview

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Overview of "Censores"
Censores are very respected magistrates with the highest auctoritas but third in rank after the consules and praetores. Learn more...
Censores in Roma Antiqua

The censores were two in number, elected from men of consular dignity, at a interval of five years (lustrum) but holding office only for eighteen months, however, by tradition, they are expected to step down as soon as they have completed the census, or if their colleague resigned or died. They ranked as magistratus maiores, but did not possess the imperium, and had no power to convene either the senate or an assembly of the people. The censors were considered the most sacred magistrates, and they were authorized to judge the moral behavior and virtue of the citizens, and to award or reprimand them according to the standards of the mos maiorum. The censors appointed the senators, approved members of the equestrian order, classified citizens into the five classes of the Servian class system of Rome. They signed long term state contracts and reviewed the status of public finances while in office. They had to conduct the census every fifth year, which was a property registration, and on it depended the position of a citizen in the classes and voting centuries.

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Censores in Nova Roma

The censorship is the most respected magistracy of Nova Roma. In corporate terminology, the censors are the secretaries of the corporation. Contrarily, to ancient Rome, our censors are elected once in every two-and-a-half years period but they have a 18 months term of office, just like the ancient Roman censors. The censors of Nova Roma have to safeguard the public morality and honor within Nova Roma, and their principal duty is to conduct the census of Nova Roma twice in every five year period, which means that the censuses of Nova Roma happen twice more frequently than in ancient Rome. Our censors appoint the senators, classify all citizens according to their merit into classes, centuries and tribes, distribute awards and reprimands, to elevate or remove members of the equestrian order. It is also the censors' job to set the general direction of public works and finances between two censuses, in cooperation with the aediles.

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Selected links (Roma Antiqua)
Selected photo
Detail, relief of Domitius Ahenobarbus: taking of the census; end 2nd century BCE from Campus Martius, Rome. Paris, Louvre Museum. Credits: Barbara McManus, 1999
Past censores in Nova Roma
Censores projects


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Overview of other magistracies
Magistracy overview portals: All magistracies - Consul - Praetor - Censor - Aedilis - Quaestor - Vigintisexvir - All portals
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