Praetor overview

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Overview of "Praetores"
The praetores are the second highest magistracies of the Roman Republic and are considered as lower colleagues of the consules. Learn more...
Praetores in Roma Antiqua

Praetors were "curule magistrates" and had imperium, and consequently were one of the magistratus maiores: but they owed respect and obedience to the consuls. They were accompanied by six lictors and performed mainly judicial functions. The praetor could command the armies of the state; and while the consuls were absent with the armies, he exercised their functions within the city. They had in theory the same responsibilities as the consuls, but over time some of the duties of the consuls were devolved to the praetors, and from that time on, the praetors administered the courts and some of the ludi. Originally there was one praetor elected as minor colleague to the consules, but they number kept expanding over the centuries in order that Rome could send governors to the provinces. The Latin word "praetor" means literally "who goes before", "who precedes" and we can translate it as "president", "leader" and "commander".

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Praetores in Nova Roma

The praetorship is the second highest executive magistracy of Nova Roma. The two praetores are the vice-presidents of the republic, and it means that they are the vice-presidents of the corporation of Nova Roma, Inc.. The praetors of Nova Roma have the same duties as the praetors of ancient Rome, but adapted to our modern circumstances and the conditions of our existence as an international cultural organization. Our praetors are the deputy commanders-in-chief of our legionary reenactment groups, and they are in charge of the internal conflict management system of Nova Roma, that is, our "judicial system". The praetors are responsible to maintain our legal documents, internal rules and regulations, ensure they are up to date and well-interpreted. Besides they can receive various top priority adhoc projects and missions from the senate. The praetors are in charge of the Ludi Apollinares, too.

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Selected photo
Past Praetores in Nova Roma
Praetores projects

Wiki projects

Former praetrix Aula Tullia Scholastica:

"An important aim is to have more laws translated into other European languages, correct the Latin titles in the non-English sections of the Tabularium, and bring them into conformity with those in the English section."
Overview of other magistracies
Magistracy overview portals: All magistracies - Consul - Praetor - Censor - Aedilis - Quaestor - Vigintisexvir - All portals
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