Provincia Australia - Events (Nova Roma)
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Hodié a.d. VII Kal. Apr. ‡ P. Aurelio C. Flavio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVIII a.u.c. est. "E"
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Australia Nova Roma |
D. Aurelius Ingeniarius Propraetor Nova Roma Regional President (Oceania Chapter)
Events and activities are hosted at the international Nova Roma level, the provincial level, and the local Municipium (Municipal Council) and Vicus (City Council) level. If a local group exists near you, you can seek information about joining from the Provincia Australia Forum.
Check out the Nova Roma Current Events Page.
See ongoing events and initiatives below.
I. Online virtual group Latin learning workshop. Using "Lingua Latina per se Illustrata" by Hans Ørberg. Current program status: June 2024 - studying chapter III. Hosted approximately once a month. To join in, contact the governor today.
Listed here is a collection of provincial ongoing or readily available activities you can participate in or request hosted on-demand sessions. In most cases, events are organised from the availability of staff. Should you wish to see an activity hosted or otherwise assist in hosting one, please contact the Consilium Provinciae.
Online Presentation Series Events
The Provincial Council runs a monthly presentation, when available, on various topics hosted by various speakers online.
Past Events
If you missed a live event, there may be an option to see a live recording. Email the Provincial Council to register for an event to gain access to any previous recordings.
- AUGUST 2774 - “Help! My slave has committed a delict. What should I do?” - An Introduction To Roman Law. Presented by Mr Benjamin Goodyear.
- SEPTEMBER 2775 - Religio Romana and Cultus Deorum Romanum Regional Forum - Session 1 - Presented by P. Aurelius Barbatus, camillus.
- OCTOBER 2775 - Magical Gems and Jewellery: From Bronze Age Greece to the Roman Empire - Presented by Dr Caroline Tully (Tullia Sentia Silvana)
Governor's Bring-A-Friend Citizen Enrolment Initative
The governor is offering finacial incentives to all province citizens for those that refer friends or family members who register as a citizens of Nova Roma!
Bonuses on Offer
- Tier I - Refer 5 new local citizens into Nova Roma in a single year: Get your TAXES (membership fees) paid for the following year!
- Tier II - Refer 15 new local citizens into Nova Roma in a single year: Your choice of sponsorship as a TREASURY TRIBUNE EQUESTRIAN for the following year OR your TAXES (membership fees) paid for five years!
- Only citizens of Provincia Australia (residents of Australia and New Zealand) are eligible for this promotion.
- Each new referred citizens must have a 10-minute videoconference with the governor or one of his staff to verify a referral.
- Each new referred citizen must pass their citizenship examination and graduate from probationary status for it to count towards the bonus of the referring citizen.
- Bonuses are not cumulative. A citizen who is eligible for the first-tier bonus can only receive four additional years of tax payment upon reaching the second-tier bonus. A citizen may forfeit the first-tier bonus to obtain the treasury tribune bonus upon becoming eligible for the second-tier bonus. There are no additional bonuses for referring more than 15 citizens.
- A citizen who obtains the first-tier bonus in any given year is eligible to obtain a bonus again the next subsequent year.
- A citizen who obtains the second-tier bonus in any given year is ineligible to obtain another bonus in subsequent years while still receiving bonus or a period of two years after taking the treasury tribune bonus.
- Bonuses are not refundable, reversable or able to be cashed out.
- Taxes are paid on behalf of an eligible citizen within the declared tax period of Nova Roma in any given year. Notification will be given to the eligible citizen once it is paid on their behalf.
Further details can be sought or questions may be directed to the Consilium Provinciae.
Republic of Rome Board Game Online
Hosted and facilitated by D. Aurelius Propraetor, an open invitation is made for all to join him in a Roman themed board game. Played via an online virtual tabletop platform (VTT), players will get to experience the political intrigue and challenges of managing the ancient Roman Republic.
The Republic of Rome is an abstraction of over 250 years of history. It simulates the politics of the Roman Senate during the republic. The players take the part of various factions vying for the control of the senate. They control the various powerful families of the time, who compete for state offices, military command, economic concessions and new adherents. To win the player must get their faction to become the most powerful in Rome. While doing this, however, a balance must be maintained. A hostile world situation, and the vagaries of the public of Rome means that the players must also cooperate so that Rome herself doesn't go down under this pressure. If Rome does not last, neither does the senate, and all players lose!
Players make proposals to the Senate which other players then vote on. A player's ability to make proposals is determined by which Offices his/her Senators hold. A player's influence in votes is determined by the number of Senators they have recruited and the level of influence those Senators have obtained. Proposals may include assigning Senators to governor provinces (generating revenue), recruiting an army to fight an external foe, addressing the concerns of the Roman people, assigning offices or prosecuting previous office holders. Players have to co-operate to overcome the various threats that the game sends against Rome (wars, famine, unrest, bankruptcy) whilst working to build their own Senators' and Generals' positions and undermine that of their opponents. A powerful General or an influential Senator may become Emperor (thus winning the game) but equally may suddenly fall to the plague or an assassin's blade.
Read more about the game itself on the Board Game Geek page.
Current Game
- The next live game is scheduled from August 2nd, 2775 auc. To apply for the next session, please email the provicial praetorium.
You can watch the most recent finished game of the Republic of Rome Board Game Broadcast on this YouTube Playlist.
The live game sessions were hosted from 9.30am (Rome Time, +1 GMT) or 7.30pm (Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time, +11 GMT), Monday evenings. For those wanting to watch, live streams were hosted via the Nova Romana Twitch channel.
The Roman Twitch TV Channel
Hosted by various citizens, D. Aurelius Propraetor has initiated a Twitch streaming channel to bring Roman themed content to interested viewers. The stream is hosted on the: Nova Romana Twitch channel. Be sure to watch and click the 'Follow' button to support the channel.
Find out more about the official Nova Roma Twitch Channel.
Seeking Channel Hosts
If you would like to host your own segment on the channel, have a look at the available segments on this Google Calendar. Streaming as a host is open to all Nova Roma citizens. Applications for hosting requests can be sent to the provincial praetorium.
Greetings With The Governor
These are social sessions hosted online where provincial citizens can come together and meet with fellow Romans from around Australia and New Zealand. Citizens can just audio-call in, or video call in as the majority do. Attendees are afforded the opportunity to share ideas, collaborate and speak directly with the Governor. The Governor will often share their ideas and direction for the coming months and can use this time to also present awards among other news.
This is a relaxed affair, activate your mic and camera, talk about anything Roman you wish:
- I. Discuss latest Nova Roma events,
- II. Hear updates from the governor about Nova Roma locally,
- III. Find fellow citizens near you to organise a local vicus,
- IV. Learn about ways you can volunteer and contribute,
- V. Spruik your local Roman themed business or published works,
- VI. Share your Roman reenactment events and stories,
- VII. Present your Roman history facts,
- VIII. Try out your Latin.
Next Event
These events are currently run on demand. Should you wish to host a meeting with the governor, please email the Provincial Council.
Greetings with the Governor is normally held on the first Saturday of every month at 6.30am Rome time (2.30pm Australian Eastern, 12.30pm Western Australia and 4.30pm New Zealand Standard time).
To receive details on how to join and get updates on the next upcoming event, watch for invites on our Provincia Australia Facebook Group or email the Provincial Council.
Ancient Roman Quizzes
With the closure of QuizUp, we're looking for new, fun Roman quizzes!
Ancient Rome Quizzes
Right now, we recommend the ProProfs Ancient Rome quizzes!
Roman Paper Soldiers
Paper Soldiers provide an affordable and exciting way to enter the world of tabletop wargaming. Printing or photocopying designs produced from coloured booklets or PDF files, you can create nearly any sized army you want. Get the reward of still building a tabletop force but without the hassles of painting or the cost of plastic or metal figurines. Once you have your force, you can verse other players using special rulesets for any era you choose!
Sourcing Paper Soldiers
The world leader in paper soldier design is non other than Peter Dennis. Peter Dennis is a well-known illustrator of History subjects. Military History has been his passion for as long as he can remember. He has completed over 200 books and other projects for Osprey Publishing and works on box art for many of the major Wargame miniature manufacturers. He lives in Nottinghamshire, the hub of wargames figure production in the UK.
Peter provides both fixed playable book sets for various time periods through the Helion & Company Source Book Series as well as an assortment of individual sheets for terrain and various armies from his main website, Peter's Paperboys. You can reach him and his passionate community via the Paperboys Page on Facebook.
Next Event
The next Paper Soldiers event is not yet scheduled.
To receive updates on the next upcoming event, watch for invites on our Provincia Australia Facebook Group or email us at the provincial praetorium.
The Forum Domitium - Nova Roma Discord Server
People use Discord for all kinds of hanging out: from live karaoke nights, to screenshare group painting, to virtual wedding parties. People create Discord servers for gaming, yoga classes, comedy fan clubs, and even run entire podcasting businesses. Discord is for anyone who could use a place to talk with their friends and communities.
Join the Nova Roma Discord Community
Nova Roma has their own Discord Server! Discord provides a way for us to communicate in real-time, globally with all citizens and guests. Nova Roma citizens and new guests are joining us on here all the time. Our server has numerous text channels for various Roman related topics and for what's happening in Nova Roma and its provinces. We also have several voice channels to hold videoconference discussions as required, including Latin classes!
Join us on your PC and mobile device:
Nova Roma Discord Server
The Discord server has several key channels for you to participate in scoped discussions or ask questions about anything to do with ancient Rome:
- Channel #Cultus-Deorum-Romanorum - For all discussion on the Religio Romana, Cultus Deorum Romanorum and all ancient religions, both practices and traditions.
- Channel #Canalis-Chartographica - A channel dedicated to everything related to cartography, maps, geography and nomenclature.
- Channel #Canalis-Coquorum et Cerevisiae Coctorum - A channel dedicated to traditional Roman cooking and food.
- Channel #Canalis-Latinitatis - A channel dedicated to everything related to the Latin language. Ask your Latin questions here!
- Channel #Canalis-Graeciae - A channel dedicated to everything related to Greek language, culture and religion.
- Channel #Canalis-Egressus - For promoting our Republic and establish person-to-person contact of cives of Nova Roma and with other organizations of Roman-related interests. Provides its members with a point of contact, whereby various Sodalitas ventures are discussed, and where events sponsored by either Nova Roma or other organizations shall be posted.
- Channel #Canalis-Musarum - A channel dedicated to everything related to Roman poetry and literature.
- Channel #Canalis-Militaris - A channel dedicated to everything related to the ancient Roman military, reenactment and history.
- Channel #Canalis-Numismaticus - A channel dedicated to ancient Roman coinage and currency.
- Channel #Canalis-Philosophica - A channel dedicated to philosophy, both past and present.
- Channel #Canalis-Virtutis - A channel dedicated to ancient Roman virtues.
Several other channels also exist, such as channels for each Nova Roma province, as well as channels for magistrates, equestrians and plebeians.
The Active Romans Competition
Hosted every year from Kal. Apr. ‡ to prid. Kal. Sext. ‡, citizens of Provincia Australia get to enter a competition to win a Roman themed game, census points and have their voluntary Nova Roma taxes paid for the following year! The competition is hosted using Woorise.
-For new citizens and current citizens (Nova Roma Members) in Australia & New Zealand! All individuals who apply for citizenship before 31 July can enter!
1st Place:
• ‘Citizen of Rome – Dynasty Ascendant’, Steam game.
1st, 2nd & 3rd Place:
• Your voluntary Nova Roma taxes (membership fees) paid for a year!
• Nova Roma Cultural Census Points Enter to win! Get additional entries by following and subscribing to our various social media platforms! Competition Closes – 11:59pm, 31 July 2021. Click the link to enter:
Boost your citizenship in Nova Roma and help grow Nova Roma in Oceania!
*Open to Australian and New Zealand residents 18 years and older. Applicants must be a free registered citizen (member) of Nova Roma Inc. to enter. Winners will be randomly drawn from the pool of applicants that complete all the contest prerequisites.
*This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other Social Network. You are providing your information to the Promoter (Australia Nova Romana) and not to any other party.
*You can become a citizen of Nova Roma today, see this website for more information: Provincia Australia (Nova Roma)
Winners for Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- 1st: L. Aurelius Regillus
- 2nd: P. Calvisius Devanus
- 3rd: T. Caelia Dextra
This section records all physical activities with five or more citizens. This is a qualifying statistic for the province evaluation under Senatus consultum de provinciis ordinandis.
- a.d. XVIII Kal. Quin. ‡ M. Cotta C. Petronio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVII a.u.c.
- Fellow Nova Roman citizens in Provincia Australia met in Canberra, Australia as part of an newly forming Roman 'Vicus' in the region. The group met at a local venue with provincial governor D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, to discuss Roman themed books and novels and continue their education in the Latin language. The group have been using Hans Ørberg's Lingua Latina per se illustrata series!
- Also present with the governor was:
- C. Iulius Calidus,
- M. Tuccia Merga,
- N. Aurelius Ingeniarius, and
- N. Iulius Licinus.
- a.d. IV Id. Sext. ‡ M. Cotta C. Petronio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVII a.u.c.
- Fellow Nova Roman citizens in Provincia Australia met at a local cafe in Canberra, Australia. Several citizens met with provincial governor D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, to study Latin through Cap. IV of the Hans Ørberg LLPSI text, followed by discussion on Roman coins and an introduction to Nova Roma for the benefit of newer citizens.
- Also present with the governor was:
- M. Tuccia Merga,
- N. Aurelius Ingeniarius,
- N. Iulius Licinus, and
- P. Claudius Dossenus.
- a.d. III Id. Oct. ‡ M. Cotta C. Petronio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVII a.u.c.
- Members of allied military reenactment unit, Legio X Fretensis, met for their annual general meeting. Nova Romans in attendance were:
- C. Sempronius Scepsis Agricola
- L. Geminius Carbo
- T. Caelia Dextra
- C. Iulius Ahenobarbus
- Q. Naevius Ricardus
- Ti. Serius Hilarus Margensis
- a.d. XV Kal. Dec. ‡ M. Cotta C. Petronio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVII a.u.c.
- Members of allied military reenactment unit, Legio X Fretensis, met to watch the release of Gladiator II in the cinema. Nova Romans in attendance were:
- C. Sempronius Scepsis Agricola
- L. Geminius Carbo
- T. Caelia Dextra
- C. Iulius Ahenobarbus
- Q. Naevius Ricardus
- a.d. XIII Kal. Dec. ‡ M. Cotta C. Petronio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVII a.u.c.
- Local Nova Romans met with local Legio II Augusta memebers to celebrate the new allied military reenactment unit partnership, in Canberra, Australia.
- Also present with the governor was:
- M. Tuccia Merga,
- C. Iulius Calidus,
- A. Claudius Venator, and
- Ti. Valerius Martialis.
- a.d. XVII Kal. Ian. ‡ M. Cotta C. Petronio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVII a.u.c.
- Members of allied military reenactment unit, Legio X Fretensis, met to eat local Italian cusine. Nova Romans in attendance were:
- C. Sempronius Scepsis Agricola
- L. Geminius Carbo
- Ti. Serius Hilarus Margensis
- C. Iulius Ahenobarbus
- Q. Naevius Ricardus
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Provinciae (Nova Roma)