Senatus consultum de Re Publica Canadana Romana internationali (Nova Roma)

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Tabularium of Nova Roma

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Declaration - Constitution
Leges - Senatus Consulta - Decreta - Edicta

Codex Iuris Novae Romae


This senatus consultum is currently IN FORCE.

Passed by the Senate of Nova Roma
Yes: 12 No: 0 Abs.: 0
a.d. III Kal. Mar. Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) cos. MMDCCLXXV a.u.c.

The Senate welcomes the proposal of incoporation into Nova Roma as its constituent offered by representatives of the Canadian Roman Republic Cultural Group, and accepts all if their members, and returning former citizens of Nova Roma, in equal terms with any of the old citizens of Nova Roma. The Senate makes this declaration and pledges to offer the following terms for the incorporation into the Nova Roman Republic:

I. Nova Roma will officially recognize the Roman Republic Cultural Group as a free municipium (allied state) joining Nova Roma, and immediately dissolving after joining. This would guarantee that its entity will be historically recognized within Nova Roma.

II. Nova Roma will officially recognize all past office holders of the RR organization as former magistrates of the aforementioned municipium, municipal consuls, senators etc. Appropriate Census Points will be given for those offices.

III. For their heroic action of reuniting the Roman movement, Nova Roma will award extraordinarily the highest distinction, the dignity of eques equo publico, to those members of the RR Board of Directors and Senate who vote in favor of this merger in the decision making sessions.

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