Senatus consultum de concessione C. Artorii Praeconini (Nova Roma)

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Declaration -
Leges -
Senatus Consulta -
Decreta -
This senatus consultum is currently IN FORCE.
I. The senate hereby issues a concession to citizen C. Artorius Praeconinus (Dominik Otto), living in Provincia Germania, macronational Federal Republic of Germany, to use signs and pictures in stately possession and control in the produce and sell of goods under the formulated conditions herein.
- I.A. Giving out 50% of the real profits, meaning the profit generated after subtraction of production, shipping and other necessary business costs, to the treasury of the Res Publica Nova Romana (Nova Roma, Inc.).
- I.B. Giving a discount to verified citizens of Nova Roma on this products. The discount may vary but has to be at least 5%.
- I.C. For the sake of controlling this concession a detailed report will be handed to the consules and the Senate on a yearly basis. The date of this yearly report shall be the Ides of January.
II. The concession shall be archived as a contract of the Res Publica with said person.
III. The concession can be revoked only until the Ides of December each year or after the the next report is received by the Senate.
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