Senatus consultum de legionibus sustentandis (Nova Roma)

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Tabularium of Nova Roma

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Declaration - Constitution
Leges - Senatus Consulta - Decreta - Edicta

Codex Iuris Novae Romae


This senatus consultum is currently IN FORCE.

Passed by the Senate of Nova Roma
Yes: 17 No: 0 Abs.: 0
a.d. XII Kal. Mai. M. Cotta C. Petronio cos. MMDCCLXXVII a.u.c.

With this senatus consultum, the Senate legally defines all legions of Nova Roma that were recruited under the Senatus consultum on sponsoring legions enacted on a.d. XVI Kal. Apr. Fl Vedio M. Cassio consulibus (17 March, 1998), unless otherwise not specified as autonomous fully Nova Roman citizen legion, as allied units of Nova Roma. With this clarification, the Senate enacts the following decree:

I. The Senate opens an application procedure restricted only to fully Nova Roman legions (Autonomous Reenactment Units of Nova Roma). Any such legion can participate in this application procedure and request a specific amount of money for a specific project that would improve their quality and the impact that they can make for the benefit of Nova Roma.

I.A. It must be described in the application for what exactly the money will be used.
I.B. It must be presented in the application how this investment will help promote Nova Roma or what the advantages will be for Nova Roma if the Senate makes this investment to the group.
I.C. A deadline must be given in the application for implementing the project for which sponsorship was granted.
I.D. Invoices about the money spent must be kept and presented to the Nova Roman Treasury.

II. The Senate may grant funds as requested in a petition, or part of the requested funds, or refuse the request, based on insight and consideration of the benefits for Nova Roma through the project. If the project is not implemented by the deadline as indicated in the application, the recipient of the funds must re-fund the entire amount given by the Senate. The recipient shall have the possibility to ask for an extension of the deadline before the deadline is reached.

III. The recipient of the sponsorship must mention that they are a legion of Nova Roma in their main internet site, and that they are funded and sponsored by Nova Roma. They must promote Nova Roma at their events actively and spread the word that Nova Roma offers sponsorship to its fully integrated legions.

IV. The legal representative of the recipient group must sign a document in which the group promises to keep the group as a fully Nova Roman legion (Autonomous Reenactment Unit of NR), keep the rules of this sponsorship, to complete the project, and to re-fund the amount given by Nova Roma if the project is abandoned or not completed by the deadline.

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