Senatus consultum de senatu habendo M. Cotta C. Petronio coss. (Nova Roma)
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Declaration -
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Senatus Consulta -
Decreta -
This senatus consultum is currently IN FORCE.
I. Senate sessions shall be reported to the Nova Roman people in the forum by the president of the session. This reporting shall be made no later than within 24 hours after the closing of the session. The tribunes of the plebs may also publish, but are not obliged to publish, their own report of the session to the people, including as many details as they think necessary, as long as they observe the laws that define the tribunes' reporting activity.
II. When there are no censors in office, all procedural decisions assigned to the censors in the Senatus consultum de ratione senatus shall be made by the consuls.
III. It is clarified in this senatus consultum that the consuls and praetors or any presiding officer of a session of the Senate, except the tribuni plebis, can issue the "rule of session," but the princeps senatus shall have the right to overrule those and have the final decision on the matter. In the section I. DEFINITIONS, to the definition of "Rule of session," this sentence: "The princeps senatus shall post the "rule of session" to the "Senate list" and upon posting such a rule shall be enacted." shall be changed to: "The consuls and praetors or any presiding officer of a session of the Senate, except the tribuni plebis, can issue the "rule of session," but the princeps senatus shall have the right to overrule those and have the final decision on the matter." In the following sentences, the phrase "princeps senatus" shall be changed to "presiding magistrate or the princeps senatus."
IV. From the section I. DEFINITIONS, the definition of "Both consuls are unavailable/unavailable" shall be replaced by this: "In accordance with the lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda IV.G.1, any magistrate or any officer can be declared unavailable if they were demonstrably informed that they were invited to make a decision or action, but they are still unresponsive 72 hours after having been contacted and fully informed. Hereby this rule is to be extended to all magistrates and officers of Nova Roma both within and beyond the scope of Senate business.
V. From the section I. DEFINITIONS, the items and definitions "extraordinary majority," and "super majority" or "special majority" shall be removed. Any references to these should be changed in the text of the senatus consultum in accordance with the legal system under praetorian supervision.
VI. From the section I. DEFINITIONS, the definition "Terms of Service / ToS" shall be changed to that of instead of Yahoo. All references to Yahoo in the senatus consultum shall be changed to that, or to the relevant parts of
VII. Section III.B, the phrase "but only if both consuls are unavailable" shall be stricken from the senatus consultum, and it shall be recorded that this rule was never fully observed, because it was against the mos maiorum.
VIII. Section III.D shall be modified to this: "The princeps senatus may issue a call to convene a formal meeting of the Senate in session if the consuls and praetors are unavailable to conduct business and an urgent matter requires a session of the Senate.
IX. Section IV.F shall be expanded with these sentences at the end: "The president of the session, however, is free to leave the end dates of the debate period, voting period and the session unspecified if he or she cannot clearly predict the length of time necessary for those procedures. The president may also depart from the time schedule given in the call to convene or call to order as long as there no senator raises an objection against the changed timing."
X. In section VI.D.2, the consent of the princeps senatus is always deemed granted unless he or she informs the presiding magistrate about his or her disagreement.
XI. In section VII.G, the phrases "uti rogas" and "antiquo" shall be changed to "ita censeo" and "dissentio."
XII. In section VIII, all subsections shall be rescinded except VIII.A, I, J, K, L, and the remaining ones shall be renumbered.
XIII. Section IX shall be completely replaced with this text: "Any member of the Senate or other magistrate who disregards the invocation of closed session conditions or disregards the invocation of the Senate seal, such disregard being determined by the president of the session or, ultimately, by the princeps senatus, or disrespects and insults the Senate, the presiding magistrate, the princeps senatus, another senator, or commits an act deemed in this senatus consultum to be contempt of the Senate, shall be automatically found in contempt of the Senate. In respect of a matter of contempt of the Senate, the presiding magistrate or the princeps senatus shall issue a warning publicly on the mailing list of the Senate, and if the individual does not amend his or her action that caused the contempt of the Senate, the presiding magistrate may suspend the speaking rights of the individual (Senate mailing list posting rights), may remove them from the session (removing them from the Senate mailing list), which disciplinary actions both constitute a suspension of the voting right of the individual). The length of these disciplinary actions shall be decided by the princeps senatus, and may not be shorter than 3 days and longer than 3 months. The contempt of the Senate may only be established with the expressed consent of the princeps senatus, but the decision of removing an individual from the session or the Senate mailing list may only be made by the presiding magistrate. The Senate may also declare an action to be contempt of the Senate, or may override declaration of the princeps senatus regarding an issue about contempt of the Senate in a senatus consultum."
XIV. In section X, all points except X.C.5.a-c shall be removed, and the remaining ones shall be renumbered as X.B.1-3. The following last sentence shall be added to the new X.B.3: "The princeps senatus has the ultimate authority on approving, rejecting, or creating, a rule of session." The new section X.A shall be this: "The princeps senatus must be the most respected and highest ranking censorial and consular patrician senator who holds the longest, continuous and uninterrupted record of membership of the Senate. When the censors select the princeps senatus during the lectio senatus, they may select someone who does not meet all these criteria if, and only if, they provide a justification for such a decision. Senatorial rank is determined by the ranking of the auctoritas of the highest office held by the senator. Within each rank group, the ones who held the office more than once are higher ranking. Among those who held the same office the same number of times, those held it earlier are higher ranking. Among senators of the same rank, older individuals are higher ranking." The new section X.C. shall be this: "If the princeps senatus is unavailable, the princeps iuventutis shall exercise his or her duties. If the princeps iuventutis is not a senator, he or she shall be temporarily invited to the Senate mailing list and allowed to speak in the Senate, or to preside in session, when needed, but without the right to vote. If the princeps iuventutis is unavailable, the president of the session shall decide in all questions."
XV. In section XII, all subsections shall be removed except sections A and B. Section XIII.A shall be modified to read as follows: "The owner of the Senate mailing list, the internet version of the curia, shall be the legal owner of the mailing list. The owner owns it on behalf of Nova Roma and is obliged to obey the presiding magistrates of the Senate under penalty of law." Section XIII.B shall be modified to read as follows: "The moderators shall be the consuls and praetors. Moderators shall have the same admin rights as the owner except the deletion of the mailing list and modification of the archives."
XVI. In section XIII, all subsections shall be removed, and the entire paragraph shall be replaced with this text: "No session of the Senate may be held without taking the auspices before with favorable result and without an opening and closing ceremony of the religio Romana; any senatus consultum enacted without this procedural step shall be invalid. The Senate follows the directions of the Collegium Pontificum on religious and calendar matters."
XVII. Sections XIV-XX and XXI.F are removed, XXI is renumbered as XIV.
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