Senatus consultum de sodalitate Barbarica approbanda (Nova Roma)

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Tabularium of Nova Roma

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Codex Iuris Novae Romae


Civic life (Nova Roma)


This senatus consultum is currently IN FORCE.

Passed by the Senate of Nova Roma
Yes: 14 No: 0 Abs.: 0
prid. Id. Oct. C. Cethego Q. Arrio (IV) cos. MMDCCLXXVI a.u.c.

The Senate hereby approves the establishment and the charter of the Sodalitas Barbarica as an official state sponsored sodalitas of Nova Roma. The Senate adds the following requirements to this approval, for the implementation of which the sodalitas shall have 4 months, counted form the date of this senatus consultum. After 4 months have elapsed, the sodalitas's approval is automatically revoked (which does not exclude the possibility for petitioning of approval again afterwards):

I. The sodalitas has to change the term "Nova Roma citizen" to "Nova Roman citizen" everywhere in the text.
II. The sodalitas has to change the term "full member" to "sodalis." In the text of its definition the words "full member" shall be added.
III. The sodalitas has to change the title of the "chairperson" to "magister." In the text of its definition the words "chairperson" shall be added.
IV. The sodalitas has to change the title of the "vice-chair" to "vicarius." In the text of its definition the words "vice-chair" shall be added.
V. The sodalitas has to change the title of the "list moderator" to "moderator."
VI. A term of office must be defined for the magister and the vicarius, and their method of election (by whom).
VII. The following is the approved charter of the Sodalitas Barbarica:

(section numbering restarts)


I. Mission Statement.

The Sodalitas Barbarica is an association of Nova Roman citizens interested in the so-called “Barbarian” peoples & cultures that became integrated into the Roman Empire as well as those peoples & cultures who more generally had contact with the Roman people. The Sodalitas is formed for the purpose of studying topics such as foreign cults and religions, “barbarian” languages & literature, material culture such as clothing, jewelry and household items, barbarian military & reenactment, historical events, and the adoption of Romanitas. To further that end, the Sodalitas shall facilitate research, propagate/disseminate educational materials, produce material culture, and perform those other activities which are deemed to support that mission.

II. Membership.

Affiliation with the Sodalitas shall be open to any individual. The structure of membership is outlined below:

A. Hospes: non-Nova Roma Citizens
B. Full Member: Nova-Roma Citizens

Membership status is conferred upon joining the Sodalitas Barbarica forum ( and/or the Sodalitas Barbarica Discord Server (Sodalitas-Barbarica).

Continued affiliation with Sodalitas Barbarica is contingent upon following Sodalitas Barbarica’s community standards. Sodalitas Barbarica has adopted Discord’s community standards defined here:Community Guidelines | Discord. These community standards will apply to all internal and external communication by Sodalitas Barbarica affiliates on and Discord.

III. Organization.

A. Officers
1. Chairperson - Chief moderator with the ability to appoint additional moderators. Primary duties include recording meetings, maintaining list & Discord communication, setting up meeting dates/times, setting agenda items.
2. Vice-chair - Fulfills the duties of the chairperson when the chairperson is unavailable or otherwise unable to do so.
3. List Moderator(s) - appointed by the chairperson, list moderators are employed to ensure community standards & new affiliate access to the mailing list and Discord server.
B. Voting
All Full Members in good standing with the Sodalitas are eligible to call for and cast a vote on any topic affecting the Sodalitas. Votes succeed by simple majority. Votes shall be administered on only, and will be recorded by the Chairperson. In the event of a tie, the Chairperson’s vote will be used as a tiebreaker.

IV. Current Full Members (as of the inauguration of the Sodalitas)

D. Claudius Aquilinus
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
A. Iulius Paterculus
M. Iulius Laurentius
M. Hortensia Marina
Q. Magia Lanata
L. Rutilius Cuminum (Inaugural Chairperson)
Fl. Vedius Germanicus

V. Action Plan

The most regular activities carried out by the Sodalitas Barbarica are Monthly zoom meetings to discuss recent updates & activities, including book readings & presentations on field & literature research. To date, we have had oral presentations on Venus and Germanic Migrations, as well as book discussions on Tacitus’ Germania and Caesar’s Gallic Wars. In addition to the virtual meetings, there is a listserv that allows for asynchronous discussion, networking, and communication about upcoming meetings. The Sodalitas Barbarica maintains a communal Google Drive repository with all presentation materials and video recordings of meetings, both for archival and dissemination purposes.

In terms of future growth, we have the goal of inviting knowledgeable guest speakers from inside or outside of Nova Roma to discuss and present on appropriate topics. We also would like to foster & form collaborations with outside groups interested in particular “barbarian” areas of study & reenactment.

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