Triumvir monetalis (Nova Roma)

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Our magistracies

Aedilis curulis
Aedilis plebis
Tribunus plebis
Tribunus militum

Praefectus rei publicae administrandae
Curator aerarii
Curator rei informaticae


Classification of magistracies

Magistracy overview

The Triumvir monetalis (called tresviri monetales or triumviri monetales or, with their longer, more ceremonial name, tresviri aere argento auro flando feriundo) are one of the magistracies of Nova Roma, responsible for the design, development, production, issuance and distribution of the coinage of Nova Roma. They support and assist the quaestors, the curator aerarii and the Officium Aerarii in their job regarding the finances of Nova Roma. They are members of the Officium Aerarii and have the right and duty to propose ideas for the financial administration of Nova Roma therein.

The eligibility requirements for Triumvir monetalis are set by the lex Tullia annalis: to stand for election as a Triumvir monetalis, a potential candidate is required to be at least 21 years old, and must be assiduus. The Triumviri monetalis enter office on Kal. Ian. (1 January) each year. The Triumvir monetalis can be a first step of the cursus honorum, but it is often filled by experienced politicians and those that were not succesful in earlier higher elections.

The tresviri monetales provide the citizens of NR with educational programs and knowledge about Roman numismatics, history of Roman economy and commerce. They also supervise all state approved central sodalitates, societies and other civilian corporations which are dealing with Roman numismatics, history of Roman economy and commerce or fundraising for officially supported causes of Nova Roma; or if they are not functioning actively and adequately, to restore them to proper function; or if Nova Roma does not have any society focused in these topics, to create them.

Where the tresviri capitales and the cohortes vigilum do not have jurisdiction, the tresviri monetales shall serve as law enforcement officers in the forums of central official Roman numismatics, history of Roman economy societies, or Nova Roman fundraising societies. The tresviri shall work under the supervision, regulatory direction and authority of the aediles in this capacity.

They shall have the following honors, powers, and obligations:

A. To hold lower potestas, incomplete ius coercitionis limited to be used within their duties, and ius intercessionis, all of which rights and powers are restricted only to be exercised within their scope of authority, that is, to oversee and manage the public infrastructure, public works, the official and public websites, to supervise, manage or execute tasks, duties and projects assigned to them by law or order by a higher ranking officer, the Senate or the Comitia;
B. To pronounce collegial intercessio against another triumvir monetalis;
C. To be members of the Officium Aerarii and to have the right and duty to propose ideas for the financial administration of Nova Roma therein.
D. To provide the citizens of NR with educational programs and knowledge about Roman numismatics, history of Roman economy and commerce.
E. To supervise all state approved central sodalitates, societies and other civilian corporations which are dealing with Roman numismatics, history of Roman economy and commerce or fundraising for officially supported causes of Nova Roma; or if they are not functioning actively and adequately, to restore them to proper function; or if Nova Roma does not have any society focused in these topics, to create them.
1. The tresviri monetales shall serve as law enforcement officers in the forums of central official Roman numismatics, history of Roman economy societies, or Nova Roman fundraising societies.
2. The tresviri shall work under the supervision, regulatory direction and authority of the aediles in this capacity.


List of the tresviri monetales of Nova Roma

The fasti triumvirales monetales lists the tresviri monetales of Nova Roma since they were reinstituted in Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) cos. MMDCCLXXV a.u.c. under the lex Lucilia de vigintiviris. The first successful election and implementation of the triumviri monetales occurred for the year M. Cotta C. Petronio cos. MMDCCLXXVII a.u.c..

C. Cethego Q. Arrio (IV) cos. MMDCCLXXVI a.u.c.


M. Cotta C. Petronio cos. MMDCCLXXVII a.u.c.

P. Aurelio C. Flavio cos. MMDCCLXXVIII a.u.c.

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