Election MMDCCLX alter (Nova Roma)

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spqr-white-blue-50.gif NOVA ROMA: ELECTION alter MMDCCLX A.U.C.




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Ex offico Tiberius Galerius Paulinus

I hereby issue a call for candidates to fill the last remaining offices to be elected in 2760 a.u.c..

Those elected shall serve a term beginning January 1, 2761


Must be at least 21 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761 (January 1st, 2008). Must be assiduus.


Must be at least 21 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761 (January 1st, 2008). Must be assiduus.

Please announce your candidacy in the Nova Roman forum (main e-mail list)

To serve in any of these offices must have been a citizen for at least six months by Kal. Ian. 2761 (January 1st, 2008) and be an assiduus (tax-paying) citizen. I will submit an official list to the Magister Aranearius for placement in the cista and will post the same to the Forum.

Candidates will be accepted until December 8th at 18:00 Roman time (CET) The Contio will commence on December 10th 2760 and will conclude on the 16th Pending favorable auspices

Given by my hand pr. Non. Dec. MMDCCLX A.U.C. ( December 4th 2760 A.U.C.), at 18:52 roman time in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus.


Tribune n called for candidates for Plebeian offices.

Voting Schedule

Comitia Populi Tributa

  • The Comitia Populi Tributa election will take place from:
    • The presidium (the first tribe to be counted) shall be Tribe .

Comitia Plebis Tributa

Comitia Populi Tributa


Candidates for voting in Comitia Populi Tributa

The offices, number of openings, and candidates are:

Quaestor (3)

The quaestura (quaestorship) is one of the magistracies of Nova Roma, responsible to serve as primary assistants of the higher magistrates and guardians of the Treasury of Nova Roma. The quaestors are the treasurers and assistant directors of the corporation. There are eight quaestores elected annually by the comitia populi tributa to serve as aides and financial administrators to the consules, praetores, aediles and governors of the provinces of Nova Roma. After eight quaestores have been elected, the newly elected senior magistrates are consulted and asked which of the new quaestores they wish to have assigned to them. The new consules make the final determination of this, publishing an edict assigning four quaestores to the two consules and two praetores magistrates. The rest of the quaestores are serving as a pool of assistants to all other magistrates and governors. The consular and praetorian quaestores can also be assigned by other magistrates and governors to serve in their staffs, as well. The office of the quaestor can be prorogued by the comitia, the senate or by a governor: in this case, the title of the quaestor will change to proquaestor. A proquaestor has the same duties and powers as a quaestor but only within the limits of his provincia.

The eligibility requirements for quaestor are set by the lex Tullia annalis: to stand for election as quaestor, a potential candidate is required to be at least 21 years old, and must be assiduus. The quaestores enter office on Non. Dec. (5 December) each year. The quaestorship is the traditional first step of the cursus honorum.

CIV-Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus.jpg
Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus
CIV-Marca Hortensia Maior.jpg
Marca Hortensia Maior


Custos (1)

The custodes are a type of election officials as defined in article II.C.1. of the lex Tullia de comitiis habendis. The Latin word "custos" means "guard" or "watcher" and in antiquity it was typical for very senior people such as senators and consulars to serve as custodes.

They are appointed by a presiding officer shortly before the comitia, or by the edict of summons, for the duration of the comitia. Their term of office ends automatically when the comitia are dissolved. They shall uniformly receive service points according to the article III.A.7.c.ii of the lex Arria de censu civium aestimando, “4th rank Officials: Apparitor (accensus, scriba, praeco, lictor etc)”. Only assidui can be appointed, and the presiding magistrate is not allowed to occupy this office.

The duties of the custodes are:

  • To guard, supervise and certify the entire voting process, and to resolve ties which require a drawing of lots; and
  • To send the certified results of the comitia to the presiding magistrate.

The custodes have the responsibility to supervise and control the regularity and lawfulness of the voting and vote counting process, and to investigate any verifiable concern regarding the vote, during the voting period of the comitia. The custodes shall have the ability to review all actions taken by the rogatores and diribitores to ensure accuracy and impartiality. The custodes shall send the certified results of the comitia to the presiding magistrate within a day (24 hours) after the conclusion of the vote. If the custodes need additional time, they may seek an extension of time from the presiding magistrate who has the discretion to approve an extension or not. If there are more than one custos in office, all of them shall sign the certification of the voting. If they are in disagreement, this counts as a refusal of certification, and those disputing the validity of the voting shall send their report on the irregularities to the presiding magistrate.

If the diribitores need help in the counting, the rogatores and the custodes are allowed to assist. The custodes shall have access to the cista in order to fulfil their duties. A diribitor or a rogator can be appointed as custos, but no election official shall fill all three offices, and there shall be at least one custos who is not a rogator. Candidates in the election are not allowed to serve as custodes.


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