Session February 2775

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Presiding Magistrate

Sex. Lucilius Tutor, Consul

The session was chaired by Sex. Lucilius Tutor. The 'Call to Convene' was announced on a.d. V Id. Feb.

Consular Auspices

C. Claudius Quadratus, augur, took the auspices for consul Sex. Lucilius Tutor and they were favorable.

Consular Opening and Closing Ceremony

The Senate session was ritually opened by a sacrificial ceremony by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, on behalf of consul Sextus Lucilius Tutor.


The Senate of Nova Roma currently has 17 voting members which gives a minimum quorum of 11 voting members. With 15 senate members present and with 1 present through proxy, the QUORUM IS ACHIEVED.

Proxy - Gaius Petronius Dexter is on Leave - his Proxy is assigned to Sextus Lucilius Tutor - therefore, as per XI.J of the SENATUS CONSULTUM DE RATIONE SENATUS MMDCCLXV, he is deemed present.

The 16 voting members are (first those who are currently magistrates then in order of senatorial rank):

  • A. Tullia Scholastica, senatrix censoria, princeps senatus, CONSUL
  • Sex. Lucilius Tutor, senator censorius, CONSUL
  • C. Cornelius Barosus, vir praetorius, PRAETOR
  • D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, vir tribunicius, PRAETOR
  • P. Annaeus Constantinus Placidus, senator censorius
  • C. Tullius Valerianus Germanicus, senator censorius
  • M. Pompeius Caninus, senator consularis - TRIBUNUS PLEBIS
  • T. Domitius Draco, senator consularis
  • C. Claudius Quadratus, senator consularis
  • Q. Arrius Nauta, senator consularis
  • M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius, senator praetorius, AEDILIS CURULIS
  • M. Hortensia Maior Fabiana Faustina, senatrix praetoria AEDILIS PLEBIS
  • C. Petronius Dexter, senator praetorius - ON LEAVE OF ABSENCE
  • Q. Lutatius Catulus, senator praetorius
  • M. Iulius Camillus, senator praetorius
  • C. Artorius Praeconinus, vir praetorius
  • Gallio Velius Marsallas, senator quaestorius

The following 4 tribuni plebis who are not senators themselves have the right to attend this meeting of the Senate and are invited to participate therein:

  • Ti. Caecilia Sabina, TRIBUNA PLEBIS
  • C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus, TRIBUNUS PLEBIS


09:00 AM Rome Time (CET) a.d. V Id. Feb. 2775 AVC (9 February 2022) Call to convene.
09:00 AM Rome Time (CET) a.d. V Id. Feb. 2775 AVC (9 February 2022) Call to order. Debate period commences. Debate period lasts until the time specified during the session according to the rules of SENATUS CONSULTUM DE SENATU HABENDO enacted on a.d. IV Kal. Iun. Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos.
01:30 AM Rome Time (CET) a.d. IV Kal. Mar. 2775 AVC (26 February 2022) Call to vote. Voting period commences. Debate period continues.
10:00 AM Rome Time (CET) a.d. III Kal. Mar. 2775 AVC (27 February 2022) Voting period ends.
10:00 AM Rome Time (CET) a.d. III Kal. Mar. 2775 AVC (27 February 2022) Call to close issued before this time.


ITEM I Ordering a public ritual to Mars and Vesta as a joint action with fellow Roman organizations in remembrance of the ban of Roman religion and Hypatia Item for Vote
ITEM II Appointing the quaestores aerarii Item for Vote
ITEM III Dividing the province of Sarmatia and appointing a new governor. Item for Vote
ITEM IV Instructing the consuls to collect the provincial reports according to the new style Item for Vote
ITEM V Revision of the conflict of interest policy Item for Vote
ITEM VI Hearing of the reports of the curator rei informaticae about the rebuilding and fixing of the website and online infrastructure of Nova Roma Item Withdrawn
ITEM VII Official position of Nova Roma about the incorporation of the Canadian Roman Republic Cultural Group Item for Vote
ITEM VIII (Added in Session) Reassuring of citizens living in war zones Item for Vote
ITEM IX (Added in Session) Setting tax rates for the consulship of Sex. Lucilius and A. Tullia, 2775. Item for Vote

Proposal Results

ITEM I - Senatus consultum de sacrificio communi cum aliis societatibus romanis in memoriam antiquae religionis romanae


  • Comments:
TDD: Cooperation is necessary. I hope that, eventually, they all find a home within Nova Roma.

Antiquo = 0

Abstineo = 0


ITEM II - Senatus consultum de quaestoribus aerarii anno sex. Lucilio a. Tullia coss.

Uti rogas = 11 = SLT, GPD, ATS, DAI, GCQ, GVM, GCB, MACI, QAN, PACP, GAP

  • Comments:
DAI: Although I support the Senatrix for these positions, the SC needs some work. We've rushed it and we can do better with the statement.

Antiquo = 1 = TDD

Abstineo = 0


ITEM III - Senatus consultum ultimum de provincia scythia et russia

Uti rogas = 8 = SLT, GPD, TDD, ATS, GVM, GCB, MACI, PACP

  • Comments:
TDD: This has been an administrative correction a long time coming. In the future I hope Scythia can be divided up into further provinces because our membership grows enough to warrant it being administratively hindering to maintain the massive size of the province.

Antiquo = 2 = GCQ, GAP

Abstineo = 2 = QAN, DAI


ITEM IV - Senatus consultum de relatione provinciali requirenda

Uti rogas = 7 = SLT, GPD, GVM, GCB, MACI, QAN, PACP

Antiquo = 5 = TDD, ATS, DAI, GCQ, GAP

  • Comments:
TDD: There are several aspects of this that I cannot support, including some already spoken by my colleagues in this chamber. I am and shall always be opposed to the idea that membership numbers dictate provinces. They are Aenatorial administrative zones, not at all tied to the numbers of citizens. There are local divisions that are, but the province is a province regardless of that. We are, like it or not, also still recovering from thebciv8l war and working to clear our name with those who fled years ago. Unpoisoning the well, so to speak, will continue to take time.
DAI: I cannot support this SC in the current form. We've rushed this and are doubling up legislation. This is an irresponsible implementation. I would support a revised SC based on my senate comments.

Abstineo = 0


ITEM V - Senatus consultum ultimum de pietate, fiducia et fidelitate principum civitatis erga rem publicam

Uti rogas = 9 = SLT, GPD, TDD, ATS, GVM, GCB, MACI, PACP, GAP

Antiquo = 2 = GCQ, QAN,

Abstineo = 1 = DAI

  • Comments:
TDD: I've commented on similar several times over the years, so I'm glad to see this policy finally being adjusted to be in line with expected corporate policies versus the McCarthyism of the previous. Nova Roma deserves the full attention of its officers and staff.
DAI: This should be a lex in my opinion, but I otherwise support the notion.


ITEM VII - Senatus consultum de re publica canadana romana internationali


  • Comments:
TDD: I would gladly welcome home any citizen of the "Roman Republic" no matter if they were or were not previously a citizen of Nova Roma. There is so much bad blood... but I hope, i pray, that it can be overcome. As a Senator, as a proconsul, as a knight of Nova Roma: I ask any who hold citizenship there to not only vote in favor of reunification but to encourage all you know there to do the same. Let us be united once more under the crimson banner of Nova Roma.
DAI: A few spelling and grammatical errors but the intent is clear enough.

Antiquo = 0

Abstineo = 0


ITEM VIII - Senatus consultum de adiumento civibus nostris sarmaticis


  • Comments:
TDD: Without a doubt this is a necessity.
DAI: Fine for now, given the circumstances. We can massage this later if we need to.

Antiquo = 0

Abstineo = 0


ITEM IX - Senatus consultum de tributis sex. Lucio et a. Tullia coss.

Uti rogas = 10 = SLT, GPD, GVM, GCB, DAI, MACI, QAN, PACP, ATS, GAP

Antiquo = 2 = GCQ, TDD

Abstineo = 0


Session Results

Item nb. Item title
I Senatus consultum de sacrificio communi cum aliis societatibus Romanis in memoriam antiquae religionis Romanae
II Senatus consultum de quaestoribus aerarii anno Sex. Lucilio A. Tullia coss.
III Senatus consultum ultimum de Provincia Scythia et Russia
IV Senatus consultum de relatione provinciali requirenda
V Senatus consultum de pietate, fiducia et fidelitate principum civitatis erga rem publicam
VII Senatus consultum de Re Publica Canadana Romana internationali
VIII Senatus consultum de adiumento civibus nostris Sarmaticis
IX Senatus consultum de tributis Sex. Lucio et A. Tullia coss.