Senatus consultum de adiumento civibus nostris Sarmaticis (Nova Roma)

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Tabularium of Nova Roma

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Declaration - Constitution
Leges - Senatus Consulta - Decreta - Edicta

Codex Iuris Novae Romae


This senatus consultum is currently IN FORCE.

Passed by the Senate of Nova Roma
Yes: 12 No: 0 Abs.: 0
a.d. III Kal. Mar. Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) cos. MMDCCLXXV a.u.c.

I. The Senate and the People of Nova Roma hereby declare that Nova Roma will always care for its citizens in need, and our thoughts and prayers are with the endangered citizens of Provincia Sarmatia in war zones. To commemorate this the senate, together with the consuls order, an official sacrifice and ritual to Pax on expanse of the state treasury.

II. To offer practical help in this difficult time, the based on the edict of the consuls, and overriding it, establish the Civilian Aid and Rescue Office of Nova Roma (Officium Auxilii Civilis Novae Romae). It shall be the right of the consuls to appoint or dismiss a praefectus in charge of this office. The direction of the office shall be conducted by this praefectus, in the name, and with the power, of the consuls.

III. The praefectus is empowered to conduct fundraising for this project and to distribute the raised funds as needed. The execution of this mandate and all other tasks and duties of the praefectus auxilio civili are determined by the consuls.

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