Senatus consultum de relatione provinciali requirenda (Nova Roma)

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This senatus consultum is currently IN FORCE.
The senate instructs the consuls to order all governors to submit their provincial reports no later than by the Kalends of April according to the following format in accordance with the Senatus consultum de provinciis ordinandis:
I. Governors shall be ordered to send a report that discussed the meeting of requirements at II.B.1-5 of the Senatus consultum de provinciis ordinandis. The governors shall describe how the province satisfies these requirements.
II. The provincial reports shall cover the period between 1 April 2021 - 1 April 2022.
III. The governors' provincial report must be in the following format and they must report the following data:
- A. Obligatory items in the review:
- 1. Number of current Nova Roman citizens in the province.
- 2. Web addresses of the main internet forum of the province, and all additional provincial forums that are public.
- 2.1. Monthly average number of messages in the main provincial forum. If there are more than one provincial forum, the number of messages can be added up for the purpose of the report, but the amounts shall be given separately, as well.
- 2.2. Average number of Nova Roman citizens posting per month. If there are more than one provincial forum, the average of the number of Nova Roman citizens who post per month can be added up for the purpose of the report, but the amounts shall be given separately, as well.
- 2.3. Total number of members (citizens and peregrini combined) in the provincial forum. If there are more than one provincial forum, the number of members can be added up for the purpose of the report, but the amounts shall be given separately, as well.
- 3. Number of those real life gatherings in the reported period in which at least 5 citizens of the province participated.
- 4. Reenactment groups that officially cooperate with the province (friend, allied, or fully Nova Roman legions; allied or fully Nova Roman gladiatorial groups). Other type of partnerships should be listed here, as well.
- 5. Names of all candidates for the governorship.
- B. Optional items in the review:
- 1. If in the areas of the province of the governor there was a curfew or a similar very restrictive and extended period ban on community meetings, the governor may ask a waiver from taking provincial meetings as a factor and part of the evaluation. The governors should petition this waiver as the 6th item in their report.
- 2. After the previous items have been discussed, the governor is free to add his personal style report in any format he deems necessary.
IV. The report shall be honest and true to the facts. The calculation of forum statistical averages, if it is not possible in a timely manner via an automated tool that the forum offers to the admin (for example Facebook groups and mailing lists can show monthly statistics as part of its free and easily tools), should be calculated from the data of the third, sixth, ninth and twelfth month of the reported period. The governor should make accessible the provincial forums for any senator who wants to check the veracity of the reported data.
V. If the report misses to answer any of the 5 questions at III.A.1-5, in those points the evaluation of the province should be made as if the missing answers were "zero" or "none" even if it is public knowledge that it is not the real answer. If there is no report, the evaluation should be made as if all answers were "zero" or "none". The negligence of the governor should be reflected by the negative evaluation of the province, and should serve as a lesson for all provincial citizens so they come up with another, better candidate for governor.
VI. The report should contain all events and activities by the province, and any additional information the governor deems necessary, as well as recommendation future policies to the senate, the opinion of the citizens, requests, complaints and everything that the provincial citizens or the provincial government would wish to communicate to the senate. These will not serve as a basis for the evaluation.
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