VI Conventus Novae Romae

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The sixth annual Conventus Novae Romae in Europa is organized in Dacia between 30 th of July and 4 th of August this year


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Hodié Non. Iun. M. Cotta C. Petronio cos. MMDCCLXXVII a.u.c. est. "E"



Day 1 - July 30

Place Time Activities
Bucharest - international airports based on arrivals guests are welcomed by citizens of Dacia
Bucharest - Oppidum Bucurestium all day tour of the city - free time
Bucharest - Nova Roma Conventus headquarter 19.00 PM - 19.30 PM official opening of Conventus
Bucharest 20.00 PM - 23.00 PM dinner

Day 2 - July 31

Place Time Activities
Bucharest - Conventus headquarter 06.30 AM departure to Drobeta
Turnu Severin - Drobeta 12.00 AM - 17.00 PM visit of Iron Gates museum & Trajan bridge
Orsova - Danube Gorges 18.00 PM - 19.00 PM visit of Decebalus statue & Tabula Traiana
Herculane Spa - Thermae Herculi 20.00 PM - 23.00 PM accomodation & dinner

Day 3 - August 1

Place Time Activities
Herculane - Thermae Herculi 08.00 AM - 08.30 AM Ludi Herculanenses - Roman day dedicated to Hercules opening
Herculane - Conference hall 08.30 AM - 10.00 AM Ludi Herculanenses - roman historical debates
Herculane - Roman baths 10.30 PM - 14.30 PM Ludi Herculanenses - reconstruction of a day to thermae
Herculane - Sports area 15.30 PM - 18.00 PM Ludi Herculanenses - harpastum, roman athletics, swimming inter-provinces competition
Herculane - Conference hall 18.30 PM - 19.30 PM Ludi Herculanenses - nova roman debates
Herculane - Festive area 20.00 PM - 22.00 PM Ludi Herculanenses - roman banquet
Herculane - Conference hall 22.00 PM - 24.00 PM Ludi Herculanenses - movie night

Ludi Herculanenses are component part of Nova Roma Ludi Decenniales and are arranged in cooperation with cohors aedilicia

Day 4 - August 2

Ulpia Traiana - Colonia Ulpia Traiana Augusta Dacica Sarmizegethusa.

  • Ancient roman capital of Dacia.
  • Ulpia Traiana History Museum.
  • Roman mausoleum from Densus.

Day 5 - August 3

Bucharest - Oppidum Bucurestium

  • Lapidarium of Romanian National History Museum.
  • Tour of Bucharest.
  • Festive dinner and official closing of Conventus.

Day 6 - August 4
