Senatus consultum de anniversario XXV celebrando (Nova Roma)

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Tabularium of Nova Roma

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Declaration - Constitution
Leges - Senatus Consulta - Decreta - Edicta

Codex Iuris Novae Romae


This senatus consultum is currently IN FORCE.

Passed by the Senate of Nova Roma
Yes: 20 No: 0 Abs.: 0
a.d. VII Id. Apr. C. Cethego Q. Arrio (IV) cos. MMDCCLXXVI a.u.c.

Upon the most festive occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Founding of Nova Roma, the senate wishes to commemorate the Year of the 25th Anniversary of Nova Roma, the Sacred Year of Concordia in the most dignified way. In order to honor the gods of Rome of led us on the way from the beginnings to this day, the senate decrees the following:

I. The senate mandates all magistrates, promagistrates, governors, central and provincial officers and priests of Nova Roma to offer ceremonies of thanksgiving for the first quarter of century of our Res Publica, and prayers for Nova Roma’s success to complete its mission as set forth in our Declaration, according to the guidelines and prayer formulas as instructed by the Collegium Pontificum. These ceremonies are obligatory on the official Roman holidays of Nova Roma, but they may be held on any day, as well, on a voluntary basis.

II. The senate recognizes the work of consuls C. Cornelius and Q. Arrius, aediles Cn. Lentulus and M. Cotta, and once again Cn. Lentulus as legatus pro praetore Pannoniae, governor of the hosting province, for organizing and conducting the actual birthday celebration event and ceremony of Nova Roma on the 25th anniversary day of the founding of Nova Roma, on the Kalends of March (March 1). This event opened the series of large scale international programs dedicated to our 25th Anniversary and the Sacred Year of Concordia. The senate wishes to designate the other similar main international celebration events in the next sections.

III. The senate mandates the consuls, the praetors, the aediles and the praefectus Italiae to represent Nova Roma in Rome at the 2775th Anniversary of the Founding of Rome, at the Parilia festival, organized by the macronational authories and associated cultural societies in the City of Rome, and to offer ceremonies to the gods of Rome in the Eternal City herself, to give thanks for the first quarter of century of our Res Publica, and for Nova Roma’s success to complete its mission as set forth in the Confirmed Declaration.

IV. The senate mandates the consuls, the praetors, the aediles and the legatus pro praetore Pannoniae to make our 25th Anniversary the central motive of the International Grand Conventus of Nova Roma in Aquincum, Pannonia, and to offer ceremonies to the gods of Rome as the main event of the Conventus, to give thanks for the first quarter of century of our Res Publica, and for Nova Roma’s success to complete its mission as set forth in the Confirmed Declaration.

V. The senate mandates the consuls, the praetors, the aediles and the dux of the legatus pro praetore Britanniae, dux Dioecesis Europae C.E.G. to make our 25th Anniversary the central motive of the “Auxilia – Rome’s Cutting Edge” A Nova Roman Conference and Convention of Provincia Britannia, a major event of the Dioecesis, that will be held near Wrexham in North Wales, Britannia, between May 27th - June 4th, and to offer ceremonies to give thanks for the first quarter of century of our Res Publica, and for Nova Roma’s success to complete its mission as set forth in the Confirmed Declaration.

VI. The senate mandates that the aediles work out a proposal with further anniversary celebration ideas and to coordinate and direct all of the Quinvicennalia activities of Nova Roma by administrative directions and, when necessary, by edict, and such edicts shall be under the authority, and shall have the force, of this senatus consultum.

VII. The aforementioned magistrates can excuse themselves from under personal attendance of these events if they cannot travel and participate. All magistrates and officers of Nova Roma who have been obliged to offer ceremonies for the aforementioned intentions can delegate the performance of the rituals to their selected deputies, according to the lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda VI.C.

VIII. The senate mandates all governors to send their schedules of their programs for the current year and let the senate know which provincial activities could be dedicated to the marking of the 25th Anniversary Sacred Year of Concordia. The senate urges the governors not to submit details and long documents about it, just a simple schematic sketch listing the events planned for the year. The deadline to send this report is the Kalends of May (1 May), and they have to be sent to consul Q. Attius Nauta.

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