Senatus consultum de magno conventu internationali aquincensi (Nova Roma)

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Senatus Consulta -
Decreta -
This senatus consultum is currently IN FORCE.
Following the order of the senate with delay due to the intervening pandemic, the senate resets the date of the VIII Grand International Conventus of Nova Roma in May 2776 AUC (2023), at the time of the Floralia Aquincensia Nova Romana public festival, in Aquincum (Budapest, Hungary), Provincia Pannonia, the location according to the original decree of the senate. The dates of the Conventus shall be May 13-16, with possible extension by the organizing governor, the legatus pro praetore of Pannonia, Cn. Cornelius Lentulus.
I. Petitions by citizens for aid in the costs of participation can be made directly the Office of the Aerarium.
- I.A. The following requirements all shall be met for a citizen to be eligible for the aid:
- 1) the citizen shall be an individual who wouldn't come to the Conventus unless he or she is financially aided,
- 2) the citizen shall be a current magistrate, governor, priest or senator of Nova Roma, and shall be a current assiduus,
- 3) the recipient of the aid shall not pay the current year taxes, but this sum (the unpaid tax) has to be accounted as part of the amount of the aid.
- I.B. No money shall be given personally in the hands of any receiver of the aid: the recipients of this aid will be paying for the accommodation or food, or local transportation in Pannonia.
II. The Conventus Organizing Committee may directly petition the Office of Aerarium for aid in the costs of the organization.
III. The senate allocates $ 800 for the purpose under section I and II combined, henceforth called the Conventus Aid Fund. The Officium Aerarii shall decide on approving spending from the Conventus Aid Fund by the approval of the curator aerarii P. Porcius Licinus and the quaestors of Nova Roma. Only if both the curator and the quaestors approve an expenditure, without any dissenting vote, can any money be spent from the Conventus Aid Fund. Invoices shall be presented to the curator aerarii (CFO) and the entire Officium Aerarium after the Conventus about all exenditures from the Conventus Aid Fund.
IV. The Conventus shall be focused on the celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the founding of Nova Roma, the Sacred Year of Concordia, and the goddess Flora and Concordia, and a festive ceremony shall be included, with sacrificial ritual, as the one of the main central events of the 25th Anniversary.
V. Cn. Lentulus, legatus pro praetore of the hosting province, is authorized to establish the Commissio Conventus Praeparandi (Conventus Organizing Committee), whose members shall be appointed by him, and which Committee shall be responsible for the organization of the Conventus, with all decisions to be made by the Committee as a body. The Committee shall report to the aediles and the consuls jointly.
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