Senatus consultum de prorogatione et de relatione praesidum provinciarum (Nova Roma)

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Tabularium of Nova Roma

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Declaration - Constitution
Leges - Senatus Consulta - Decreta - Edicta

Codex Iuris Novae Romae


This senatus consultum is currently IN FORCE.

Passed by the Senate of Nova Roma
Yes: 13 No: 2 Abs.: 1
a.d. III Kal. Ian. C. Cethego Q. Arrio (IV) cos. MMDCCLXXVI a.u.c.

I. The Senate prorogues the terms of the current governors until the next Kalends of March, or as long as there is no newer decision about them. The Senate instructs the governors to prepare two provincial evaluation reports, as required. In the reports only the required data has to be submitted, any additional information, or longer report, has to be in the appendix.

II. Next year's consuls are mandated to ensure the instructions in this senatus consultum will be enforced.

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