Ludi circenses championship

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Racing Factiones: Factio Praesina, Factio Albata‎, Factio Russata, Factio Veneta

Gladiator Schools: Ludus Praesinus, Ludus Albatus‎, Ludus Russatus, Ludus Venetus

Other pages of interest: Circenses/Munera Gladitoria/Venationes rules, Ludi pages, Aedile portal

Championships: Circenses Championship, Gladiatorial Championship, Cultural Championship

This page is updated - Albucius aed. cur. - a.d. XIII Kal. Oct. 2761.


2751/2008 Ludi Ranking

The Ludi Championship Series of Nova Roma consists of a two-part series, Individual Competition (Series I) and Team Competition (Series II).

Victory points are awarded to competitors in chariot and horse races, as well in athletics races, munera (gladiator fights) or venationes (animals fights), which are held throughout the year during Ludi and other festivals. For 2761/2008, the curule and plebeian aediles have decided to join the results of the contests that they organize during this 10th Nova Roma birthday year, in order to include them in a sole global table.

At the end of our Ludi Romani, this ranking is updated on 5 competitions : Lupercalenses, Conditorum, Matutini and Romani for the curule games ; Ceriales for the Plebian ones. The Megalesia has not welcome any contest relative to our matter here, and the aedilitas curulis has been obliged to cancel the initially scheduled Munera due on the eve of August 2761. Last, the Praetors have not wished giving any fighting contests in the frame of 2761 July Ludi Apollinares.

This ranking will not be definitive before the end of the Ianuales, games that will be given by the aedilitas curulis in December in order to end this special 10th Birthday year. Our tables will thus be modified by the results of the coming following games : Equi Octobris (cur. - Oct.), Plebeii (pl. - Nov.), Ianuales (cur. - Dec.).

This page contains two tables: the first one is the first part of the Serie I ranking ; the second one is on the Serie II, the Factiones contest.

This first Serie I ranking tables contains the 36 best ranked aurigae, horsemen, gladiatores or animals, down to 10 points.

The second part of the Serie I ranking is available in a linked page whose link is just under this table.

Both Series I and II tables have been reviewed and updated according a new ranking system, presented in the chart below.

Series I: Individual 2751/2008 Ranking

Rank Owner Chariot (C)/Horse (H) Driver/Rider Factio Pts
I Anthropophagus Germanica D. Arminius Brutus R 53
II Aoife Silurum Biga fortunae (C) Cn. Equitius Marinus A 52
III Spandex vandalus Velociraptor C. Aurelia Falco Silvana P 41
IV Petronius Gnipho Vita brevis (C) Cn. Equitius Marinus A 34
V Barinthus Faolchú Dubh M. Martianius Lupus V 33
VI Amara aegeus Graecus Celeritas (C) / Archimedes (H) T. Arminius Genialis R 32
VII Incitator syrianus Delectus consulis (C) Ti. Galerius Paulinus V 28
VII Vindex Syntarsus (C) C. Aurelia Falco Silvana P 28
IX Merddyn celticus Volcanus (C) Q. Servilius Priscus P 22
IX Attila Cica (C) Tita Popillia Laenas R 22
IX Scorpianus Babientes (C) / Babieca (H) L. Rutilius Minervalis V 22
XII Betelgesus Aurora rubra (C) M. Arminius Maior R 21
XII Iulius Sabinus Crassus T. Aprilis (C) T. Iulius Sabinus Crassus R 21
XII Samicus Pilum (C) Q. Cornelia Quadrata A 21
XV Drusillus gallus Potentia (C) P. Constantinus Vetranio R 20
XVI Amadian Taurus II (C) P. Constantinus Placidus R 19
XVI Aurelius Falco Celer G. athl. Falco rapax eq. C. Aurelia Falco Silvana P 19
XVIII Ochoa Gloria russata (C) Sextus Postumius Albus R 18
XVIII Ursinus Maximus venetus (C) M. Martianius Lupus V 18
XX Amarach Taurus I (C) P. Constantinus Placidus R 17
XX Ambicatos celticus Sol erumpens (C) Q. Servilius Priscus P 17
XXII Stolo Incitatus (C) C. Petronius Dexter R 16
XXII Marius Bellator Venetus daemon (C) Q. Vitellius Triarus Vopiscus V 16
XXIV Adrastos Necopinatus(C) M. Hortensia Maior P 15
XXIV Poncianus Erebus (C) Gaius Arminius Reccanellus R 15
XXIV Ultor Ulixes et Ulixes geminus (C) G. Valerianus Germanicus V 15
XXVII Aghira none (Gl. R.) C. Aurelia Falco Silvana P 14
XXVII L. Fidelius Lusitanus Fulgur II (C) L. Fidelius Lusitanus V 14
XXVII Impulsor syrianus Celer(C) Ti. Galerius Paulinus V 14
XXX Lucius Venator ventorum (C) / Fulgur (H) Max. Valeria Messallina V 13
XXXI Sarmatus none (Gl. S.) C. Aurelia Falco Silvana P 12
XXXI Diocles Aura (C) G. Valerianus Germanicus V 12
XXXIII Emrys brittanus Puella aurea +
Venator ventorum (H)
Maxima Valeria Messallina V 11
XXXIII Scipio Falco Octavia (C) L. Aurelius Severus R 11
XXXIII Viriatus Sertorius Ulpia (C) G. Aemilius Crassus R 11
XXXVI Arthmail Ansgar none (Gl. M.) Q. Vitellius Triarus Vopiscus V 10

Click here to consult the end of the Serie I Individual ranking table (from 37th to 67th)

Here below is the table of the Factiones contest. The amount of points is the cumulated one of all points obtained by every member of the relative factio. Even if a factio can be luckier than another, or despite the bright results obtained by one of its members, the points difference shows at the same time the larger membership of a factio, and its regular assiduity in the games.

Series II: Factiones 2008/2751 Ranking

Rank Factio Dominus factionis Factio tot. pts
I RUSSATA Cn. Cornelius Lentulus 319
II VENETA M. Valeria Messallina 229
III PRAESINA G. Aurelia Falco Silvana 190
IV ALBATA Gn. Equitius Marinus 118

Points ranking system

  • The rules concerning the calculation of the points have been modified in three directions:
    • the more a contest has fighters, the more everyone get points;
    • the winner gets "n" points, "n" being the number of competitors, and the following entrants "n-1", "n-2", etc. to 1 for the last one;
    • more points to the most important competitions in 2751, the Ludi Romani (as usual the most important Ludi event in the year) and this year the Conditorum or Games of our Founders, that bear a special importance in 2751, NR 10th year. This added value is given through a points bonus allocated to the eight best chariots for the Conditorum and four best for the Romani.

We have thus now a more precise ranking, which also expresses the efforts made by the owners for this special year.

== AWARDS 2751 ==


Coronae Circi Novae Romae
Awarded for 1st Place in both the Individual and Factio Series of the annual Ludi Championship.
Award consists of a 2 1/2" cast gold medal with neck ribbon (1 1/2" x 30") in the color of the Victor's factio.

Top aurigae from past championships


Rank Driver/Rider Chariot (C)/Horse (H) Owner Factio Pts
I Aoife Silurum Biga fortunae Cn. Equitius Marinus A 86
II Giscon gall. Venetus magnus L. Vitellius Triarius V 68
III Merddyn celticus Volcanus Q. Servilius Priscus P 65
IV Attic the Bald Aurora russata L. Curtius Paullus R 51


Rank Driver/Rider Chariot (C)/Horse (H) Owner Factio Pts
I Iulius Sabinus Crassus T. Aprilis T. Iulius Sabinus Crassus R 44
II Felix Celeris Velox Puteulanus Sors L. Vitellius Triarius V 36
III Petronius Gnipho Vita brevis Cn. Equitius Marinus A 18
IV Emrys brittanus Venator ventorum Maxima Valeria Messallina V 14


Rank Driver/Rider Chariot (C)/Horse (H) Owner Factio Pts
I Euthymus Inexpugnabilis C. Curius Saturninus P 32
II Petronius Gnipho Vita brevis Cn. Equitius Marinus A 21
II Leo Orionis Draco T. Licinius Crassus V 21
IV Scissor obscurus Furor teutonicus Al. Solaris Draco R 12


<tr> <td>Factiones 2756 </td> <td></td> <td>Chariots (owners) 2756</td> </tr> <tr> <td>I 62VP Praesina </td> <td></td> <td>Raptor Cruentus - Praesina (C. Iulius Scaurus)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>II 42VP Albata </td> <td></td> <td>Impactus Infernatus - Veneta (Cn. Octavius Noricus)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>III 42VP Russata </td> <td></td> <td>Essedum - Praesina (M. Constantinus Serapio)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>IV 24VP Veneta </td> <td></td> <td>Green Flash - Praesina (M. Minucius Audens)</td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr>


<tr> <td>Factiones 2755</td> <td></td> <td>Chariots (owners) 2755</td> </tr> <tr> <td>I 78VP Praesina</td> <td></td> <td>Essedum - Praesina (M' Constantinus Serapio)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>II 72VP Russata </td> <td></td> <td>Inexpugnabilis - Praesina (C. Curius Saturninus)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>III 25VP Veneta </td> <td></td> <td>Hyacintha Magna - Russata (Ti. Arminius Hyacinthus)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>IV 17VP Albata</td> <td></td> <td>Aquilifer - n.a.</td> </tr>

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