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Dedicated to the restoration of classical Roman religion, culture and virtues

 Roma Resurgens | Latíné | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano | Magyar | Português | Română | Русский | English| Roma Resurgens  

Hodié prid. Non. Iun. M. Cotta C. Petronio cos. MMDCCLXXVII a.u.c. est. "C"


Nova Roma is an international organization dedicated to the study and restoration of ancient Roman culture. From its founding until it ceased to be the center of Imperial authority Rome laid the foundation for our modern Western civilization. Founded 2,750 years after the Eternal City itself, Nova Roma seeks to bring back those golden times, not through the sword and the legions, however, but through the spread of knowledge and through our own virtuous example. Learn more...

Quick links: Declaration - FAQ - Laws - Treasury - Magistrates - Senators - Provinces - Annals - Ager Publicus - Album Civium - Calendar

The modern practice of the Roman religion, the cultus deorum Romanorum, is our attempt to reconstruct the religion of the ancient Romans as closely as possible. Roman religion cannot be approached by inserting Roman deity names into Greek religion or any other system, for it is a unique product of the culture that created it. "The pax deorum was considered to be the normal state of affairs, that is, peaceful co-existence between two parties, divine and human, who have agreed not to interfere with one another except under particular, well-defined circumstances."
If you need help, advice or assistance regarding the cultus deorum, don't hesitate to contact our experts. Learn more...

Quick links: Cultus Deorum - Priests and Priesthoods - Foreign priesthoods in Nova Roma - Rites and Rituals - Roman Calendar - Comitia Curiata

There are many ways to be involved in civic life in Nova Roma. Choose the way that fits your style and interests. Learn more...

Quick links: Community Forum - Special interest groups - Military reenactments - Academia Thules - Shops - Events for Romans

Nova Romanitas ("new Romanness", "revival of Roman culture") is the study and practical application of Roman culture and virtues, "Romanitas" and the "mos maiorum", the revival of all aspects of Roman life, from cultural like arts, language, literature, clothing, architecture, to spiritual such as the virtues, the religion, the ethics and philosophies in our everyday lives. Part of this is our educational mission divulging knowledge about classical culture. One of the cornerstones of Romanitas are the Roman virtues; those qualities which define the ideal state of being and behavior of the Roman citizen. It is as part of the mos maiorum that citizens are expected to take up Roman names for use within our society. Learning Latin, the language of Roman culture, is an equally important step towards becoming a modern Roman. Learn more...

Quick links: Library - Reading lists - Roman Virtues - Latin language - Roman Clothing and Equipment

We are celebrating the 26th Annversary of Nova Roma at the Concordialia festival, on Kal. Mar. , the holiday of Roman Unity. The aediles curules have announced the start of the Ludi Novi Romani lasting till Id. Mar.

A new local chapter of Nova Roma has been founded by Cn. Lentulus: Colonia Aquincum, in Budapest (Hungary), within our Pannonian province.

Nova Roma is incorporating the Canadian Roman Republic organization as its federate municipium.

Join the Nova Roman guest-friendship project.

Watch videos about Nova Roma on YouTube.

Take a look at some photos of recent Nova Roman events.

Modern grave marker of an unknown Roman girl, London.
Start by reading our Frequently Asked Questions. Join our email discussion list. If you have questions you can contact a magistrate. Please read "Choosing a Roman name" before you apply for citizenship in Nova Roma. For New Citizens: now what do I do?
The Nova Roma Web Site
Citizens of Nova Roma can edit this site. Need an account? Any citizen can create a wiki account. Problems? Join the mailing list NRWiki @ and post a message. Visit our Community Portal for editing guidelines. Contact the site administrators if you have any requests.

If you need help you can contact a magistrate.

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