IT:Provincia (Nova Roma)
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Nova Roma is divided into a number of provinciae. A provincia can comprise a single country or several, or on the other end of the spectrum, can be made up of sub-national units from a single country. Unlike provinces of Canada or American states, Nova Roman provinciae are creations of the senate, the 'national' governing body. The senate, under the lex Vedia provincialis, can create a new provincia or combine existing ones by senatus consultum. The senate also has the power to appoint and replace governors. The same lex outlines the powers and duties of the provincial governors.
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The structure of the provincial government varies greatly depending upon the existing conditions of the provincia. Several provinces cross national and linguistic boundaries and thus officials may be appointed to reflect this. Other provinces are geographically large or have isolated populations. There are no real laws concerning organisation of provincial government other than the lex Vedia provincialis. This creates a flexible framework for the varying realities of the provinciae.
Provinciae of Nova Roma
- America Austroccidentalis
- (American Southwest)
- America Austrorientalis
- (American Southeast)
- America Boreoccidentalis
- (American Northwest)
- America Medioccidentalis Superior
- (America North/Central)
- Argentina
- (Argentina)
- Asia Occidentalis
- (Western Asia)
- Asia Ulterior
- (Further Asia, formerly Asia Orientalis)
- Australia
- (Australia)
- Brasilia
- (Brazil)
- Britannia
- (Great Britain)
- California
- (California, Hawaii, Nevada)
- Canada Occidentalis
- (Western Canada)
- Canada Orientalis
- (Eastern Canada)
- Dacia
- (Romania)
- Gallia
- (Belgium, France, Netherlands, Luxembourg)
- Germania
- Austria, Germany, Switzerland)
- Hibernia
- (Ireland and Northern Ireland)
- Hispania
- (Portugal and Spain) and
- Italia
- (Italy)
- Lacus Magni
- (American Great Lakes area)
- Mediatlantica
- (American East/Central)
- Mexico
- (Mexico)
- Nova Britannia
- (American Northeast)
- Pannonia
- (Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia)
- Sarmatia
- (Ukraine, Russia, Byelaruss)
- Thule
- (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden)
- Venedia
- (Poland)
Map of Nova Roman Provinces
List of current Governors
This is the listing of the current governors as of a.d. VI Kal. Iun. ‡ L. Arminio Ti. Galerio cos. ‡ MMDCCLX a.u.c.
- America Austroccidentalis - Legata pro praetore Arnamentia Moravia Aurelia
- America Austrorientalis - Legatus pro praetore Flavius Galerius Aurelianus
- America Boreoccidentalis - Legata pro praetore Julilla Sempronia Magna
- America Medioccidentalis Superior - Legata pro praetore Gaia Sempronia Graccha Volentia
- Argentina - vacant - contact the consuls for details.
- Asia Occidentalis - Legata pro praetore Gaia Iulia Felix
- Asia Orientalis - Legatus pro praetore Marcus Lucretius Agricola
- Australia - Legatus pro praetore Marcus Flavius Aurelius
- Brasilia - Legatus pro praetore Titus Arminius Genialis
- Britannia -vacant - contact the consuls for details.
- California -vacant - contact the consuls for details.
- Canada Occidentalis - Legatus pro praetore Gnaeus Iulius Caesar
- Canada Orientalis - Legatus pro praetore Lucius Aurelius Severus
- Dacia - Consul Titus Iulius Sabinus
- Gallia - Legatus pro praetore Publius Memmius Albucius
- Germania - Legatus pro praetore Titus Flavius Aquila
- Hibernia -vacant - contact the consuls for details.
- Hispania - Praetor Marcus Curiatius Complutensis
- Italia - Praefectus Italiae Franciscus Apulus Caesar
- Lacus Magni - Proconsul Gaius Fabius Buteo Modianus
- Mediatlantica - Proconsul Tiberius Galerius Paulinus
- Mexico - Praetor Marcus Iulius Severus
- Nova Britannia - Legata pro praetore Annia Minucia Marcella
- Pannonia - Legatus pro praetore Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus
- Sarmatia -vacant - contact the consuls for details.
- Thule - Legatus pro praetore Caius Curius Saturninus
- Venedia -vacant - contact the consuls for details.
Master Index
Master Index
Master Index
Master Index
Master Index > Maintenance Categories > Pages to be deleted > English > Nova Roma > Res publica (Nova Roma) > Magistracies (Nova Roma) > Magistrates (Nova Roma)
Master Index > Maintenance Categories > Pages to be deleted > English > Nova Roma > Res publica (Nova Roma) > Magistracies (Nova Roma) > Magistrates (Nova Roma)
Master Index > Maintenance Categories > Pages to be deleted > English > Nova Roma > Res publica (Nova Roma) > Provinciae (Nova Roma)
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Master Index > Maintenance Categories > Pages to be deleted > IT:Res publica (Nova Roma)
Master Index > Maintenance Categories > Pages to be deleted > Italiano
Master Index > Maintenance Categories > Pages to be deleted > Nova Roma (Italiano)
Provinciae (Nova Roma)