Album heroum (Nova Roma)

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You will find below the table of our Album Heroum Ludorum, i.e. the Gallery of our Games heroes. They are the gladiators, animals and auriges who have fought at least once in a Ludus, since Nova Roma foundation.
By clicking their name, you will be able to access more details, collected by the aedilitas through the entered games, or given by the patronus, the owner of the concerned Ludus team. Thanks to these informations, these casual and virtual characters will become more alive for us, and become a part of our community.
They are all heroes, for all of them happened to loose at least one time, in one of the Ludi places of the Roman world. They are tough women and men, but true Romans, for they know how much a victory costs: sweat, pains, time and blood. They are rivals, naturally, for all of them want to win. But they respect each other and form a kind of family sharing the same dreams and way of life.
They regularly feel the excitation being applauded and praised like semi-gods, but they know that they can die tomomrrow or in ten years, poor and forgotten.
They can be sometimes harsh and vulgar. But some of us say that they may practice Roman virtues better than most of us.
You will find them in an alphabetical order. The nomen is given in Latin or in the genuine language, spoken - or close to - in the ancient times (for ex. Gaelic, Punic, etc.). The column H/A concerns the type of the hero (human - H - or animal - A). Then, the 4th column will give the champion's speciality: athleta (foot races), gladiator, or horse driver, either on a chariot as auriga ('Auriga') or on a horse as rider ('Eques'). The column 'Ess./Equ.' means essedum/equus, i.e. driven chariot/horse. The column "Vict." gives the abbreviation of the official Novaroman annual races won by the champion. On the factiones, 'A' naturally means albata, 'P' praesina, 'R' russata and 'V' veneta; "aed." designs a competitor entered in the contest under the aedilician colors, in order to keep the best table as possible.
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