Censor (Nova Roma)
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One of the magistracies of Nova Roma. There are two censores.
The two Censors...
- approve new members (citizens) to Nova Roma.
- are usually the first magistrates new applicants meet, which means they field a variety of questions and inquiries.
- maintain the rolls of Citizens, Senators, Ordo Equester members.
- are guardians of public morality.
- maintain the database of Century allocations, Tribal alignments and make sure the laws that are related to the allocations of citizens are properly enforced.
- issue voter codes to citizens of Nova Roma.
- approve, discipline, or remove Senators of Nova Roma.
- handle the resignations of citizens and magistrates.
Source: http://home.earthlink.net/~alexious/
See also:
- Censor overview: a comparison of ancient Roman and Nova Roman censores