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Revision as of 10:26, 9 December 2007


Dedicated to the restoration of classical Roman religion, culture and virtues

 Roma Resurgens | Latíné | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano | Magyar | Português | Română | Русский | English| Roma Resurgens  

Hodié a.d. XI Kal. Oct. M. Cotta C. Petronio cos. MMDCCLXXVII a.u.c. est. "H"


 Home| Latíné | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano | Magyar | Português | Română | Русский | English

Hodié a.d. XI Kal. Oct. M. Cotta C. Petronio cos. MMDCCLXXVII a.u.c. est. "H"

Nova Roma is dedicated to the study and restoration of ancient Roman culture. Learn more...

Quick links: Declaration - FAQ - Laws - Treasury - Magistrates - Senators - Provinces - Annals - Ager Publicus - Album Civium - Calendar

The modern practice of the Cultus Deorum Romanorum is an attempt to reconstruct the ancient religion of the Romans as closely as possible. Learn more...

Quick links: Cultus Deorum - Priests and Priesthoods - Foreign priesthoods in Nova Roma - Rites and Rituals - Roman Calendar - Comitia Curiata

There are many ways to be involved in civic life in Nova Roma. Choose the way that fits your style and interests. Learn more...

Quick links: Community Forum - Special interest groups - Military reenactments - Academia Thules - Shops - Events for Romans

Via Romana refers to the study and practice of all aspects of Roman culture. It is as part of the via Romana that citizens are expected to take up Roman names for use within our society. Learn more...

Quick links: Library - Reading lists - Roman Virtues - Latin language - Roman Clothing and Equipment

We are celebrating the 26th Annversary of Nova Roma at the Concordialia festival, on Kal. Mar. , the holiday of Roman Unity. The aediles curules have announced the start of the Ludi Novi Romani lasting till Id. Mar.

A new local chapter of Nova Roma has been founded by Cn. Lentulus: Colonia Aquincum, in Budapest (Hungary), within our Pannonian province.

Nova Roma is incorporating the Canadian Roman Republic organization as its federate municipium.

Join the Nova Roman guest-friendship project.

Watch videos about Nova Roma on YouTube.

Take a look at some photos of recent Nova Roman events.

Modern grave marker of an unknown Roman girl, London.
The Nova Roma Web Site

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We, the renascent Roman People, the Quirites — whereas, having followed the principles of the Declaration of Nova Roma for the past twenty years by honoring and taking care of the ceremonies and rituals of the Roman People, the Nova Roman People has restored the foundations of the relationship of the Roman people with the Gods of Rome, the foundations of the Roman religion, and the reverence of the Roman Gods, and by recreating the traditions and institutions of the Roman People, began the work of resurrecting, reviving, and restoring Rome — in this most sacred twentieth year of the Nova Roman nation, to complete the acts of the founding, have consecrated the Palladium and the most sacred Pignora of the renascent Roman People into the Nova Roman People, and by doing so we have invoked the Lares, Manes, Penates, the Genius of the Roman People, the Quirites, and all Gods Immortal of the Roman People so that they take full possession of the Nova Roman People as their genuine ancestral nation as well as Nova Roma for their home and fatherland; we have dedicated the Nova Roman Republic, the Nova Roman Nation, and Nova Roma itself, as the Gods’ community and spiritual home, to the renascent Roman People of the world, and we have taken possession of the Republic and Nation of Nova Roma.

Under the greatest and most favorable royal auspices the Lares, Manes, Penates, the Genius Publicus, all the Immortal Gods of the Roman People, the Quirites, and the renascent Roman People, took full possession of the Nova Roman Nation and Republic; Nova Roma has thereby been fully established as the movement of the restoration of the Roman state and as the commonwealth of the renascent Roman People worldwide which, as a movement and general idea of the revival of the Roman Nation, shall not be the property of any organization, corporation, or group, but shall be the property of the renascent Roman People of the world and the universal communion of all and each single Roman, whether they are citizens of Nova Roma and wherever they are in the world.

Under the same great and favorable royal auspices, by royal establishment and pronouncement, we ceremonially pronounce the complete and full establishment of the Nova Roman Nation, the Comitia, the Magistrates, the Senate, the Sacred Colleges, our contract with the Gods of the Roman People, the order of ceremonies, ritual obligations, and the entire Roman religion with their laws, rights, actions, traditions, and customs, which may have validity and force only if they will not violate the principles of this Confirmation of the Declaration of Nova Roma, or the best examples of the mos maiorum of the ancient Roman People.

With the accomplishment of these things, we declare the completion of the ceremonial and ritual founding of the New Roman Nation and Nova Roma as the republic of the renascent Roman People worldwide, and with the perfect completion of the ceremonies and rituals of the founding of the New Roman Nation we declare that the mission of the Nova Roman People shall be the founding of the City of Nova Roma, thereby we, the renascent Roman People embodied in the Nova Roman People, become a real nation and state among the nations of the world, and that by working from the City of Nova Roma, we restore ancient Rome and the Roman People, the Quirites.

With these words, hereby we confirm the Declaration of Nova Roma and, strengthened by the proper and complete ceremonial founding of the Senate and People of Nova Roma, we proclaim with renewed force:


We, the Senate and People of New Rome, in order to restore the foundations of Western civilization, declare the founding of Nova Roma as a sovereign nation. We manifest Nova Roma as an independent world nation and republic, with its own legal constitution and lawful government, with all international rights and responsibilities that such status carries.

As a sovereign nation Nova Roma makes the following claim to various international territories and rights:

We acknowledge ancient Roman territory to be our cultural and religious homeland, and claim historical rights to all sites and territories which were under the direct control or administration of the ancient Roman Republic and Empire between 753 BCE and 395 CE.

We recognize the modern political realities which make the restoration of such ancient lands to us impossible. Therefore we limit our active territorial claim to an amount of land at least equal to that held by the sovereign state of Vatican City; 108 contiguous acres. On this land a world capital for the administration of our culture will be founded in the form of a Forum Romanum. The exact site for this New Roman governmental and spiritual capital is to be determined.

Further, in order that our world presence may be established, Nova Roma claims our physical territory to be extant and manifest through those places that our state, citizens, and religious organizations may physically own, occupy, and maintain throughout the world. These territories shall exist in a status of dual sovereignty, being under the cultural and spiritual administration of Nova Roma, even as they remain under the civil dominion and laws of other hosting nations. Our pledge is to embody a benign and beneficial cultural and spiritual influence throughout all societies, while remaining politically neutral and lawful in action.

Nova Roma also claims temporary dual sovereignty over all other sites where the gods and goddesses of ancient Rome shall be worshiped by our citizens, to preserve our cultural and spiritual unity. This dual sovereignty shall be administered by the People directly and shall last only for the duration of religious ceremonies and rites. In this way we shall remain one culture and nation, even as we exist throughout other world countries.

Citizenship in Nova Roma is open to people of all nationalities and races. The express purpose of our nation is to promote international understanding and cooperation through the preservation of our common classical foundation, and to breathe new life and honor into all Western Civilization through the restoration of ancient Piety, Virtue, and Civilitas.

We, the citizens and Senate of New Rome hereby formally renounce, eternally and without exception, the use of force, rebellion, coercion, or intimidation in the pursuit of our international status and claims. We strive to exist as a lawful, peaceful and benign nation, in accord with the principles acknowledged and shared by the world community.

Signed this day on behalf of the Senate and People of the New Rome:
prid. Kal. Mar. Fl. Vedio M. Cassio cos. MMDCCLI a.u.c. ‡ I a.N.R.c.

Fl. Vedius Germanicus, Consul
M. Cassius Iulianus, Consul

Confirmed this day, on the day of the Completion of the Founding of the Nova Roman Nation, on behalf of the Senate and People of the New Rome:
prid. Id. Oct. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. MMDCCLXX a.u.c. ‡ XX a.N.R.c.

Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, Rex Sacrorum, Interrex


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