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![]() Statia Cornelia Valeriana Iuliana Aeternia |
![]() Gaius Aemilius Crassus |
St. Cornelia C. Aemilio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXVII a.u.c.
Consul | Statia Cornelia Valeriana Iuliana Aeternia | Gaius Aemilius Crassus |
Praetor | Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus | Marcus Pompeius Caninus |
Censor | Gnaeus Iulius Caesar | Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix |
Aedilis Curulis | Lucius Vitellius Triarius |
Aedilis Plebis | Tiberius Iulius Nerva | Aulus Liburnius Hadrianus |
Quaestor | Gaius Decius Laterensis | Publius Quinctius Petrus Augustinus |
Quaestor |
Quaestor |
Quaestor |
Tribunus Plebis | Tiberius Galerius Paulinus deceased | Gaius Claudius Quadratus |
Tribunus Plebis | Lucius Ulpius Atellus | Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius Postumianus |
Tribunus Plebis | Aulus Apollonius Antullus |
Other officers
Curator aerarii | Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix |
Magister aranearius | Marcus Pompeius Caninus |
Editor commentariorum | No one selected yet by the Senate |
Offices of Magistrates
- Officium Consulare MMDCCLXVII - Consular Office - the office of the current consules
- Officium Praetorium MMDCCLXVII - Praetorial Office - the office of the current praetores
- Officium Censorium MMDCCLXVII - Censorial Office - the office of the current censores.
- Officium Aedilicium Curule MMDCCLXVII - Aedilician Office - the office of the current aediles curules
- Officium Aedilicium Plebis MMDCCLXVII - Aedilician Office - the office of the current aediles plebis
Provincial Governors
For the calendar for this year, see Fasti MMDCCLXVII.
Res Gestae
- On Kal. Ian. ‡ the consular ritual for the new year was performed by Sta. Cornelia Aeternia.
- Magistrates took the oath of office in Forum.
- Intercessio was pronounced by the tribune Q. Caecillius Metellus against the comitia curiata call to convene. The intercessio resulted in a Senate session dedicated to solve the problem of investing magistrates with imperium.
- The Senate was convened by the princeps senatus L. Cornelius Sulla Felix.
- Ludi Compitalicii were sponsored by praetor M. Pompeius Caninus.
- Intercessio was pronounced by the tribune C. Claudius Quadratus against the SCU about the creation of pontifices. Intercessio was disputed and didn't passed.
- Comitia Curiata was convened by pontifex maximus T. Iulius Sabinus to invest the magistrates with imperium, attest appointments of sacerdotes, an augur and status elevation of a citizen.
- The Collegium Pontificum was convened by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus. Because the session was not concluded, it was closed at the end of the month.
- At prid. Id. Feb. ‡ Ti. Cassius Atellus launched the Nova Roma Chronicle blog.
- During Quirinalia, a sacrifice to Quirinus was performed by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus on a.d. XIII Kal. Mar. ‡.
- The Senate was convened by consul Sta. Cornelia Aeternia.
- On Kal. Mar. ‡ started Ludi Novi Romani MMDCCLXVII.
- Pontifex and sacerdos Concordiae, Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, performed the Concordialia ritual of the 16th Birthday of Nova Roma.
- Pontifex maximus T. Iulius Sabinus performed the ritual to Iuppiter Optimus Maximus to celebrate the foundation of Nova Roma.
- The Collegium Pontificum was called in session by pontifex maximus T. Iulius Sabinus. Because the session was not concluded, it was closed at the end of the month.
- During Equirria, on {March 14}}, the ritual to Mars was performed by pontifex L. Vitelius Triarius with the assistance of pontifex Q. Fabius Maximus.
- With the Ludi Novi Romani closing, a ritual to Anna Perenna, Mars and Concordia was performed by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, on a.d. XVII Kal. Apr. ‡.
- On a.d. VII Kal. Apr. ‡ the Comitia Curiata was convened by pontifex maximus T. Iulius Sabinus in order that the lictores and lictrices of Nova Roma to witness the appointments of the following pontifices: Marcus Cornelius Gualterus Graecus, Gnaeus Iulius Caesar, Marcus Pompeius Caninus, Gaius Vipsanius Agrippa, Lucius Vitellius Triarius.
- On prid. Non. Apr. ‡, the aedilis curulis L. Vitelius Triarius opened Ludi Megalenses. At the same time, pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus performed the ritual to Magna Mater.
- Ti. Cassius Atellus organized the Ludi Megalenses Live Broadcast on YouTube for both, opening and closing of the games.
- Parilia, the legendary founding of Rome on a.d. XI Kal. Mai. ‡ was celebrated in Nova Roman provinces through various activities.
- Pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus performed the Parilia ritual.
- C. Claudius Quadratus presented in Forum his poem "Magna avis - Great Bird" dedicated to the Rome birthday.
- In the presence of the citizens of Nova Roma Pannonia, pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus conducted the ceremony of inauguration and consecration of the augur C. Claudius Quadratus who also is the procurator of Canada Citerior province.
- Pannonian Nova Roma Convention was organized for 3 days at the end of the month and it had international participation.
- The Lemuria ritual was performed by pontifex maximus T. Iulius Sabinus.
- Sacerdos Martialis, C. Decius Laterensis announced on prid. Id. Mai. ‡ about his offerings to Mars Invictus on behalf of Nova Roma.
- Sacerdos Mercuri, T. Iulius Sabinus, performed the ritual to Mercurius during Marcuralia on Id. Mai. ‡.
- Between a.d. IX Kal. Iun. ‡ - a.d. VIII Kal. Iun. ‡, provincia Pannonia Nova Roma organized the Nova Roman Floralia Aquincensia. The event was held at the Aquincum Museum in Budapest, Hungary.
- The Collegium Pontificum was called into session by pontifex maximus T. Iulius Sabinus as the college to elect a secretary of the college. Cn. Iulius Caesar was elected as secretary of the college for the next six months.
- The Senate was called into session by consul C. Aemilius Crassus.
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Provinciae (Nova Roma)