List of leges (Nova Roma)
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Leges are laws passed by the comitia, the People's Assemblies of Nova Roma.
An efficient way to search through all the leges for a particular element, or subject of interest, is through the consolidated library of laws.
List of all laws ever enacted, past and current
To consult the list of all leges, whatever their status ('in force, lapsed or repealed), click here on the List of all passed laws.
Laws currently in force
The following laws, currently in force, were approved either by an assembly (comitia) or by a dictator. The legislative comitia are three : Comitia Centuriata, Comitia Tributa, and Concilium Plebis.
The order of the laws below is discontinuous, for the missing laws are no more in force, and have therefore been withdrawn of the present table. They may still be consulted in the list of all passed laws.
In this spirit, a few laws may be in an intermediary status, waiting to be moved to the "List of all passed laws" page. They may be identified in the right column by the mention "Repealed by...".
Name [1]
Approved by [2]
Presented [3]
Enacted [4]
Votes [5]
Status [6]
| |
VIII | lex Vedia apparitoria | Dictator SC |
n.a. | 30 Jul 52 12 Aug 52 |
7 x 1 | In force, mod. by lex XCVI, CLVIII |
XIII | lex Vedia de ratione edictorum | Dictator SC |
n.a. | 01 Aug 52 12 Aug 52 |
7 x 1 | In force, mod. by lex XXX, LXV |
XVI | lex Iunia de iure iurando | Comitia Centuriata | 27 Sep 52 | 19 Oct 52 | 21 x 4 | In force, mod. by lex XLII, CLVI |
XVIII | lex Cornelia de tempore publico constituendo | Comitia Centuriata | 27 Sep 52 | 19 Oct 52 | 21 x 2 | In force |
XXIX | lex Vedia de civitatis petitionibus per suffragia | Comitia Tributa | 22 Jan 54 | 03 Feb 54 | 31 x 1 | In force |
XXXVI | lex Vedia de mutandis nominibus | Comitia Tributa | 07 May 54 | 20 May 54 | 23 x 12 | In force, mod. lex LXXX, CLVI |
XXXVII | lex Vedia de assiduis et capite censis | Comitia Tributa | 07 May 54 | 20 May 54 | 21 x 14 | In force, mod. by lex CIX, LXVIII |
XLI | lex Cassia de creatione sodalitatum | Comitia Centuriata | 13 Nov 54 | 04 Dec 54 | 141 x 14 | In force |
XLIX | lex Salvia de intercessione | Concilium Plebis | 10 Feb 55 | 27 Feb 55 | 31 x 1 | In force, mod. by lex LXXV, CLVI |
LI | lex Cornelia de linguis publicis | Comitia Tributa | 10 Feb 55 | 27 Feb 55 | 18 x 16 | In force, mod. by lex CLIX |
LII | lex Cornelia de definitione repetundorum magistratuum | Comitia Tributa | 10 Feb 55 | 27 Feb 55 | 30 x 4 | In force, mod. by lex CLVII |
LV | lex Octavia de sermone | Comitia Tributa | 19 May 55 | 05 Jun 55 | 25 x 4 | In force, mod. by lex CLVI |
LXI | lex Salvia de prorogatione et cumulatione | Comitia Tributa | 12 Nov 55 | 24 Nov 55 | 32 x 1 | In force, mod. by lex CLVII |
LXIII | lex Salvia iudiciaria | Comitia Tributa | 12 Nov 55 | 24 Nov 55 | 33 x 1 | In force. Resc. by lex CXLI, re-enacted by lex CLVI, mod. by CLXVIII |
LXXI | lex Salvia poenalis | Comitia Tributa | 24 Sep 56 | 08 Oct 56 | 18 x 16 | In force. Resc. by lex CXLI, re-enacted by lex CLVI, mod. by CLXVIII |
LXXII | lex Labiena de praetoribus agendis in loco parentium | Comitia Tributa | 24 Sep 56 | 08 Oct 56 | 33 x 1 | In force |
LXXIV | lex Fabia de oppidis et municipiis | Comitia Tributa | 24 Sep 56 | 08 Oct 56 | 21 x 14 | In force, mod. by lex CLXI |
LXXV | lex Didia de potestate tribunicia | Concilium Plebis | 30 Oct 56 | 15 Nov 56 | 24 x 5 | In force, mod. by lex XCIV, CLVI |
LXXVII | lex Moravia de renuntiatione senatus actorum | Concilium Plebis | 30 Oct 56 | 15 Nov 56 | 22 x 5 | In force |
LXXXV | lex Equitia de corrigendis legum erratis | Comitia Tributa | 19 May 57 | 02 Jun 57 | 30 x 3 | In force |
LXXXVI | lex Arminia de officiis aedilium plebis | Comitia Tributa | 19 May 57 | 02 Jun 57 | 25 x 7 | In force |
XCI | lex Arminia de levandis censorum oneribus | Comitia Tributa | 20 Jun 57 | 30 Jun 57 | 22 x 11 | In force |
CI | lex Equitia de tirocinio civium novorum | Comitia Tributa | 21 Sep 57 | 07 Oct 57 | 21 x 8 | In force, mod. by lex CLXIII |
CIV | lex Equitia familiaris | Comitia Tributa | 21 Sep 57 | 07 Oct 57 | 21 x 8 | In force |
CV | lex Equitia de iurisdictione | Comitia Tributa | 21 Sep 57 | 07 Oct 57 | 27 x 1 | In force |
CXI | lex Popillia senatoria | Comitia Tributa | 09 Dec 58 | 01 Jan 59 | 27 x 8 | In force |
CXII | lex Apula Popillia de nominibus approbationibusque | Comitia Tributa | 09 Dec 58 | 01 Jan 59 | 29 x 6 | In force, mod. by lex CLXV |
CXV | lex Minucia de civitate eiuranda | Comitia Tributa | 28 Mar 59 | 05 May 59 | 20 x 8 | In force, mod. by lex CXLII, CLVI |
CXVI | lex Minucia de eiuratione magistratuum | Comitia Tributa | 28 Mar 59 | 05 May 59 | 19 x 10 | In force, mod. by lex CLVI |
CXXIII | lex Galeria de privatis rebus | Comitia Tributa | 14 Nov 60 | 01 Dec 60 | 19 x 15 | In force |
CXXIX | lex Cornelia de quaestoribus | Comitia Centuriata | 16 May 66 | 28 May 66 | 23 x 7 | In force, mod. by lex CLX |
CXLIV | lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda | Comitia Centuriata *SC |
20 Dec 69 | 26 Dec 69 | 21 x 1 | In force, mod. by lex CXLIX (*ratified by SCas part of the mod.) |
CXLV | lex Aurelia de legionibus | Comitia Centuriata | 25 Dec 72 | 31 Dec 72 | 18 x 1, 1 abs. | In force |
CXLVI | lex Aurelia de familiis gladiatoriis et ludis gladiatoriis | Comitia Centuriata | 25 Dec 72 | 31 Dec 72 | 18 x 1, 1 abs. | In force |
CXLVII | lex Arria de censu civium aestimando | Comitia Centuriata | 11 Dec 73 | 19 Dec 73 | 19 x 7 | In force, mod. by lex CLVI and lex CLXV |
CXLVIII | lex Hortensia de legibus scribundis | Comitia Centuriata | 26 Dec 73 | 31 Dec 73 | 18 x 10 | In force |
CL | lex Arria Tullia de ordine equestri | Comitia Centuriata | 21 Dec 74 | 26 Dec 74 | 24 vs. 0 | In force |
CLI | lex Arria Tullia de classibus et centuriis et de tribubus novis | Comitia Centuriata SC |
21 Dec 74 | 26 Dec 74
28 Dec 74 |
24 vs. 0
12 vs. 0 |
In force |
CLII | lex Arria de veteribus tribubus et curiis | Comitia Centuriata | 21 Dec 74 | 26 Dec 74 | 24 vs. 0 | In force |
CLIII | lex Tullia de comitiis habendis | Comitia Centuriata SC |
21 Dec 74 | 26 Dec 74
28 Dec 74 |
24 vs. 0
12 vs. 0 |
In force, mod. by lex CLXV |
CLIV | lex Arria de edictis | Comitia Centuriata | 21 Dec 74 | 26 Dec 74 | 24 vs. 0 | In force |
CLV | lex Tullia annalis | Comitia Centuriata | 21 Dec 74 | 26 Dec 74 | 23 vs. 1 | In force |
CLXII | lex Petronia de libertate eligendorum apparitorum tribuniciorum | Concilium Plebis | 1 Feb 75 | 26 Feb 75 | 15 vs. 3 | In force |
CLXIII | lex Petronia de novis civibus | Concilium Plebis | 1 Feb 75 | 26 Feb 75 | 15 vs. 3 | In force |
CLXIV | lex Lucilia de censu | Comitia Centuriata | 25 Mar 75 | 29 Apr 75 | 19 vs. 0 | In force |
CLXV | lex Lucilia Tullia de rebus publicis ordinandis | Comitia Centuriata | 22 Dec 75 | 31 Dec 75 | 21 vs. 0 | In force |
CLXVI | lex Lucilia de vigintiviris | Comitia Centuriata | 22 Dec 75 | 31 Dec 75 | 21 vs. 0 | In force |
CLXVII | lex Lucilia de tribunis militum comitiatis | Comitia Centuriata | 22 Dec 75 | 31 Dec 75 | 21 vs. 0 | In force |
CLXVIII | lex Lucilia iudiciaria | Comitia Centuriata | 22 Dec 75 | 31 Dec 75 | 20 vs. 1 | In force |
CLXIX | lex Caecilia de collegis et sodaliciis | Concilium Plebis | 04 Dec 76 | 10 Dec 76 | 19 vs. 0 | In force (Awaiting Legislative Integration) |
CLXX | lex Arria de patriciis Romanis | Comitia Centuriata | 04 Dec 76 | 10 Dec 76 | 19 vs. 3 | In force (Awaiting Legislative Integration) |
CLXXI | lex Petronia de Latinis sociisque | Comitia Centuriata | 04 Dec 76 | 10 Dec 76 | 21 vs. 1 | In force |
CLXXII | lex Aurelia de Collegio Iurisprudentium condendo | Comitia Tributa | 08 Jul 77 | 31 Jul 77 | 18 vs. 0 | In force |
- ↑ The names of Nova Roman laws follow ancient Roma practice, where the word "lex" (law) was followed by the feminine form of the nomen gentile of the proposing magistrate and a reference to the topic of the law.
- ↑ Here is the constitutional authority was has approved the text. It is, as in ancient Rome one of the three comitia (centuriata, populi tributa, plebis tributa). In case of a constitutional modification, the vote by the comitia centuriata must be confirmed by the Senate, by a senatus consultum (abbr. above 'SC'). At last, during a dictatorship, the dictator acts with legislative powers, as an assembly. Her/his acts are confirmed by the Senate, by a senatus consultum.
- ↑ The date in which the presiding magistrate presented the text of the law to the Comitia.
- ↑ The date in which the presiding magistrate announced the approval of the law in question.
- ↑ Number of votes in favor of the law versus the votes against. Could be a number of centuries, tribes or senatores.
- ↑ After its approval, a law could be rescinded or modified by another law, or, in Nova Roma system by a technical modification edict issued by a praetor; if not, the law is considered as "in force".