User:Gaius Cocceius Spinula/Leges in force (Nova Roma)

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List of Laws

List of the laws that are "In force".

Numerus [1]

Nomen [2]

Approved by [3]

Presented day [4]

Approval day [5]

Votes [6]

Appl. status [7]

XV Lex Cornelia de tempore publico constituendo Centuriata 27 Sep 52 19 Oct 52 21 x 2 In force
XVI Lex Grylla de magistratibus plebis creandis Plebis tributa 02 Nov 52 14 Nov 52 16 x 2 In force
XIX Lex Iunia Cornelia de ratione suffragiorum Centuriata 02 Dec 52 22 Dec 52 62 x 2 In force
XXI Lex Iunia Cornelia provincialis Centuriata
02 Dec 52 22 Dec 52
31 Dec 52
55 x 9
In force
XXIV Lex Vedia de magistratuum aetate Populi Tributa 22 Jan 54 03 Feb 54 27 x 2 In force
XXV Lex Vedia de ratione automataria Populi Tributa 22 Jan 54 03 Feb 54 33 x 0 In force
XXVI Lex Vedia de civitatis petitionibus per suffragia Populi Tributa 22 Jan 54 03 Feb 54 31 x 1 In force
XXVII Lex Vedia altera de ratione edictorum Populi Tributa 22 Jan 54 03 Feb 54 31 x 1 In force
XXVIII Lex Vedia de cursu honorum Populi Tributa 18 Feb 54 26 Feb 54 18 x 9 In force
XXX Lex Labiena de iure edicendi vigintisexvirorum Populi Tributa 24 Mar 54 07 Apr 54 30 x 0 In force
XXXVI Lex Vedia de privatis rebus Centuriata 30 Jul 54 27 Aug 54 67 x 9 In force
XXXVIII Lex Cassia de creatione sodalitatum Centuriata 13 Nov 54 04 Dec 54 141 x 14 In force
XXXIX Lex Cassia Iunia de iusiurando Centuriata 13 Nov 54 04 Dec 54 147 x 10 In force
XL Lex Vedia de magistratuum aetate secunda Populi Tributa 02 Dec 54 18 Dec 54 33 x 2 In force
XLI Lex Vedia de provinciis Centuriata
03 Oct 54 23 Oct 54
05 Jan 55
99 x 15
2 x 1
In force
XLII Lex Vedia de incorporationis Centuriata
03 Oct 54 23 Oct 54
05 Jan 55
98 x 16
1 x 0
In force
XLIII Lex Vedia de tribunis Centuriata
30 Nov 54 18 Dec 54
05 Jan 55
128 x 12
23 x 1
In force
XLIV Lex Vedia de liberis civium Centuriata
30 Nov 54 18 Dec 54
05 Jan 55
136 x 16
16 x 0
In force
XLVII Lex Cornelia de tabulis gentium novaromanarum agendis Populi tributa 10 Feb 55 27 Feb 55 28 x 16 In force
XLVIII Lex Cornelia de linguis publicis Populi tributa 10 Feb 55 27 Feb 55 18 x 16 In force
XLIX Lex Cornelia Iunia de definitione intervallorum magistratuum Populi tributa 10 Feb 55 27 Feb 55 30 x 4 In force
LI Lex Cornelia de rebus ordinis equestris agendis Centuriata
10 Feb 55 27 Feb 55
01 Jun 55
86 x 9
18 x 0
In force
LII Lex Octavia de sermone Populi tributa 19 May 55 05 Jun 55 25 x 4 In force
LVI Lex Octavia de privatiis rebus Populi Tributa 20 Jul 55 01 Aug 55 31 x 2 In force
LVII Lex Octavia altera de comitiis centuriatis Centuriata 20 Jul 55 01 Aug 55 64 x 9 In force
LVIII Lex Octavia de comitiis centuriatis Centuriata
19 May 55 04 Jun 55
09 Aug 55
85 x 6
16 x 1
In force
LIX Lex Salicia de prorogatione et cumulatione Populi Tributa 12 Nov 55 24 Nov 55 32 x 1 In force
LXI Lex Salicia iudiciaria Populi Tributa 12 Nov 55 24 Nov 55 33 x 1 In force
LXII Lex Salicia de convocatione tribunicia comitiorum Populi Tributa 12 Nov 55 24 Nov 55 33 x 1 In force
LXVI Lex Cornelia Octavia de assiduis et capite censis Centuriata 10 Dec 55 24 Dec 55 18 x 13 In force
LXVII Lex Fabia de censu Populi Tributa 19 May 56 31 May 56 26 x 8 In force
LXVIII Lex Fabia de ratione comitiorum centuriatorum Centuriata 24 Sep 56 08 Oct 56 38 x 9 In force
LXIX Lex Salicia Poenalis Populi Tributa 24 Sep 56 08 Oct 56 18 x 16 In force
LXX Lex Labiena de praetoribus agendis in loco parentium Populi Tributa 24 Sep 56 08 Oct 56 33 x 1 In force
LXXI Lex Labiena de custodia perpetua fori Populi Tributa 24 Sep 56 08 Oct 56 34 x 1 In force
LXXII Lex Fabia de oppidis et municipiis Populi Tributa 24 Sep 56 08 Oct 56 21 x 14 In force
LXXV Lex Moravia de renuntiatione senatus actorum Plebis Tributa 30 Oct 56 15 Nov 56 22 x 5 In force
LXXVI Lex Fabia de ratione comitiorum populi tributorum Populi Tributa 20 Nov 56 02 Dec 56 25 x 8 In force
LXXVII Lex Fabia centuriata Centuriata 20 Nov 56 02 Dec 56 26 x 18 In force
LXXVIII Lex Labiena de nominibus mutandis Populi Tributa 07 Dec 56 24 Dec 56 31 x 4 In force
LXXIX Lex Labiena de civium iure Centuriata
07 Dec 56
23 Jan 57
24 Dec 56
29 Jan 57
45 x 3
22 x 0
In force
LXXX Lex Labiena de gentibus Centuriata
07 Dec 56
23 Jan 57
24 Dec 56
29 Jan 57
39 x 10
18 x 2
In force
LXXXI Lex Fabia Labiena de iure augurum Centuriata
07 Dec 56
23 Jan 57
24 Dec 56
29 Jan 57
43 x 5
22 x 0
In force
LXXXII Lex Labiena de obnuntiatione Centuriata
07 Dec 56
23 Jan 57
24 Dec 56
29 Jan 57
46 x 2
22 x 0
In force
LXXXIII Lex Equitia de legibus corrigendis Populi Tributa 19 May 57 02 Jun 57 30 x 3 In force
LXXXIV Lex Arminia de officiis aedilium plebis Populi Tributa 19 May 57 02 Jun 57 25 x 7 In force
LXXXVI Lex Arminia de cursu honorum Populi Tributa 19 May 57 02 Jun 57 24 x 9 In force
LXXXVII Lex Arminia de ratione comitiorum plebis tributorum Populi Tributa 19 May 57 02 Jun 57 21 x 10 In force
LXXXVIII Lex Arminia de ministris provincialibus Populi Tributa 19 May 57 02 Jun 57 25 x 7 In force
LXXXIX Lex Arminia de levandis censorum oneribus Populi Tributa 20 Jun 57 30 Jun 57 22 x 11 In force
XC Lex Arminia de fovenda lingua latina Populi Tributa 20 Jun 57 30 Jun 57 19 x 12 In force
XCII Lex Arminia Equitia de imperio Populi Tributa 20 Jun 57 30 Jun 57 24 x 9 In force
XCIII Lex Arminia de potestate tribunicia ad comitia convocanda Plebis Tributa 20 Jun 57 30 Jun 57 19 x 6 In force
XCIV Lex Arminia de ministris tribunorum Plebis Tributa 20 Jun 57 30 Jun 57 20 x 5 In force
XCV Lex Equitia Galeria de ordinariis Centuriata
16 Jun 57 02 Jul 57
30 Jun 57
37 x 5
18 x 0
In force
XCVIII Lex Arminia de suffragiis in comitiis tributis Plebis Tributa 04 Aug 57 16 Aug 57 18 x 7 In force
XCIX Lex Equitia de tirocinio civium novorum Populi Tributa 21 Sep 57 07 Oct 57 21 x 8 In force
CI Lex Equitia de vigintisexviris Populi Tributa 21 Sep 57 07 Oct 57 24 x 4 In force
CII Lex Equitia familiaris Populi Tributa 21 Sep 57 07 Oct 57 21 x 8 In force
CIII Lex Equitia de iurisdictione Populi Tributa 21 Sep 57 07 Oct 57 27 x 1 In force
CIV Lex Equitia de constitutione corrigenda Centuriata
21 Sep 57 07 Oct 57
15 Oct 57
43 x 0
17 x 2
In force
CV Lex Equitia de gentibus Centuriata
21 Sep 57 07 Oct 57
15 Oct 57
39 x 4
20 x 0
In force
CVI Lex Equitia Galeria de legibus ex post factis Centuriata
21 Sep 57 07 Oct 57
15 Oct 57
37 x 6
19 x 0
In force
CVII Lex Apula de assiduis et capite censis Centuriata 09 Dez 58 31 Dec 58 26 x 21 In force
CVIII Lex Apula de magistro araneario Centuriata 09 Dec 58 31 Dec 58 41 x 6 In force
CIX Lex Popillia senatoria Populi tributa 09 Dec 58 01 Jan 59 27 x 8 In force
CX Lex Apula Popillia de nominibus approbationibusque Populi tributa 09 Dec 58 01 Jan 59 29 x 6 In force
CXI Lex Moravia de ratione comitiorum plebis tributorum Plebis tributa 07 Jan 59 26 Jan 59 21 x 4 In force
CXIII Lex Minucia Moravia de civitate eiuranda Populi tributa 28 Mar 59 05 May 59 20 x 8 In force
CXIV Lex Minucia eiuratione magistratum Populi tributa 28 Mar 59 05 May 59 19 x 10 In force
CXVIII Lex Curiata Complutensi II de consecratione Plebis tributa 15 Nov 60 01 Dec 60 33 x 0 In force
CXIX Lex Galeria de censu L. Arminio Ti. Galerio consulibus producendo Populi tributa 14 Nov 60 01 Dec 60 31 x 1 In force
CXX Lex Galeria de editore commentariorum Populi tributa 14 Nov 60 01 Dec 60 30 x 3 In force
CXXI Lex Galeria de privatis rebus Populi tributa 14 Nov 60 01 Dec 60 19 x 15 In force
CXXII Lex Livia de lege Arminia abroganda Plebis tributa 15 Nov 61 24 x 10 In force
CXXIII Lex Livia de lege Moravia abroganda Plebis tributa 15 Nov 61 22 x 12 In force


XV Lex Grylla de magistratibus plebis creandis

This law is enacted in order to provide Nova Roma with a standard time that all of its citizens may refer to, regardless of location in the world.

"For all purposes, the time in Rome shall be regarded as the official time of Nova Roma: official purposes that require the use of this standard time include but are not limited to, the time at which voting in one of the comitia begins and ends, the time at which a newly appointed magistrate officially acquires his/her office, and the time at which a magisterial edict takes effect. Magistrates are advised to use official Nova Roman time in all official announcements."

XVI Lex Grylla de magistratibus plebis creandis

This law is hereby enacted to organize the plebeian magistracies in case of lack of candidacies for the annual elections :

If no candidates for Tribunus Plebis or Aedilis Plebis declare in December, the Senate must provide for those magistrates by either of the following methods:

  • By extending by one year the term of the magistrate serving in that office, with the consent of that magistrate, or
  • By appointing senators to serve the required magistrate positions.

XIX Lex Iunia Cornelia de ratione suffragiorum

This law will modify the section III.C. of the Lex Vedia de Ratione Eligium to read as the following: III.C. Within 48 hours of the deadline for voting, the rogatores shall tally the votes and shall deliver the results to the magistrate who called the comitia to order and his collegial magistrate. Only the aggregate votes of the tribes and/or centuries (as appropriate) shall be delivered; the votes of individual citizens shall be secret. The magistrates shall announce the results of the vote within 24 hours of receipt, in at least the same fora as the initial announcement was made.

XXI Lex Iunia Cornelia provincialis

This lex changes Article V Section C. of the Constitution to state:

"The Senate may, by senatus consultum, create provinces (lat. provinciae) for administrative purposes and to appoint provincial governors therefore. The Senate may review each governor on a yearly basis and it remains in the discretion of the Senate whether or not to prorogue such governors. These governors may have assistants to handle the disbursements of any funds that might come from the central government, as well as to manage any local funds."

XXIV Lex Vedia de magistratuum aetate

Paragraph VI. of the lex Iunia de magistratuum aetate is hereby amended to read as follows:

An exemption to this law may be granted to a person by the approval of both censors and a senatus consultum approved by a two-thirds majority vote. Such an exemption must be sought prior to the official start of the election in question, and must be granted in order to participate as a formal candidate in the election process. A failure to act on the question of an exemption shall not constitute a tacit approval of the exemption.

XXV Lex Vedia de ratione automataria

Paragraph III.C. of the Lex Vedia de Ratione Suffragiorum is hereby amended to read as follows:

Within 48 hours of the deadline for voting, the diribitores shall tally the votes and shall deliver the results to the magistrate who called the comitia to order and his collegial magistrate. Votes may be tallied by automated means should the diribitores determine such is preferable to, and at least as accurate as, a manual count. Only the aggregate votes of the tribes and/or centuries (as appropriate) shall be delivered; the votes of individual citizens shall be secret. The magistrates shall announce the results of the vote within 24 hours of receipt, in at least the same fora as the initial announcement was made.

XXVI Lex Vedia de civitatis petitionibus per suffragia

I. No applications for Citizenship are to be processed or approved while one or more of the Comitia is in the process of undertaking a vote and/or election. Such applications may be accepted and held until the end of the election and/or vote in question, whereupon they are to be processed with all due diligence and speed, subject to all other laws which may otherwise apply to the process.

II. During the time when applications for citizenship are not processed as described under this law, the magister aranearius shall post an announcement where individuals completing the application for citizenship may reasonably be expected to see it, explaining the situation and giving a reasonable estimate of when the prospective citizens may expect to have their applications processed.

[In accordance with the Lex Equitia de Vigintisexviris of 2757 and praetorian edictum, the title "curator araneum" has been replaced by the more correct "magister aranearius." A. Tullia Scholastica, scriba praetoris et magistri araneari, 2758].

XXVII Lex Vedia altera de ratione edictorum Populi Tributa

XXVIII Lex Vedia de cursu honorum

XXX Lex Labiena de iure edicendi vigintisexvirorum

XXXVI Lex Vedia de privatis rebus

XXXVIII Lex Cassia de creatione sodalitatum

XXXIX Lex Cassia Iunia de iusiurando

XL Lex Vedia de magistratuum aetate secunda

XLI Lex Vedia de provinciis

XLII Lex Vedia de incorporationis

XLIII Lex Vedia de tribunis

XLIV Lex Vedia de liberis civium

XLVII Lex Cornelia de tabulis gentium novaromanarum agendis

XLVIII Lex Cornelia de linguis publicis

XLIX Lex Cornelia Iunia de definitione intervallorum magistratuum

LI Lex Cornelia de rebus ordinis equestris agendis

LII Lex Octavia de sermone

LVI Lex Octavia de privatiis rebus

LVII Lex Octavia altera de comitiis centuriatis

LVIII Lex Octavia de comitiis centuriatis

LIX Lex Salicia de prorogatione et cumulatione

LXI Lex Salicia iudiciaria

LXII Lex Salicia de convocatione tribunicia comitiorum

LXVI Lex Cornelia Octavia de assiduis et capite censis

LXVII Lex Fabia de censu

LXVIII Lex Fabia de ratione comitiorum centuriatorum

LXIX Lex Salicia Poenalis

LXX Lex Labiena de praetoribus agendis in loco parentium

LXXI Lex Labiena de custodia perpetua fori

LXXII Lex Fabia de oppidis et municipiis

LXXV Lex Moravia de renuntiatione senatus actorum

LXXVI Lex Fabia de ratione comitiorum populi tributorum

LXXVII Lex Fabia centuriata

LXXVIII Lex Labiena de nominibus mutandis

LXXIX Lex Labiena de civium iure

LXXX Lex Labiena de gentibus

LXXXI Lex Fabia Labiena de iure augurum

LXXXII Lex Labiena de obnuntiatione

LXXXIII Lex Equitia de legibus corrigendis

LXXXIV Lex Arminia de officiis aedilium plebis

LXXXVI Lex Arminia de cursu honorum

LXXXVII Lex Arminia de ratione comitiorum plebis tributorum

LXXXVIII Lex Arminia de ministris provincialibus

LXXXIX Lex Arminia de levandis censorum oneribus

XC Lex Arminia de fovenda lingua latina

XCII Lex Arminia Equitia de imperio

XCIII Lex Arminia de potestate tribunicia ad comitia convocanda

XCIV Lex Arminia de ministris tribunorum

XCV Lex Equitia Galeria de ordinariis

XCVIII Lex Arminia de suffragiis in comitiis tributis

XCIX Lex Equitia de tirocinio civium novorum

CI Lex Equitia de vigintisexviris

CII Lex Equitia familiaris

CIII Lex Equitia de iurisdictione

CIV Lex Equitia de constitutione corrigenda

CV Lex Equitia de gentibus

CVI Lex Equitia Galeria de legibus ex post factis

CVII Lex Apula de assiduis et capite censis

CVIII Lex Apula de magistro araneario

CIX Lex Popillia senatoria

CX Lex Apula Popillia de nominibus approbationibusque

CXI Lex Moravia de ratione comitiorum plebis tributorum

CXIII Lex Minucia Moravia de civitate eiuranda

CXIV Lex Minucia eiuratione magistratum

CXVIII Lex Curiata Complutensi II de consecratione

CXIX Lex Galeria de censu L. Arminio Ti. Galerio consulibus producendo

CXX Lex Galeria de editore commentariorum

CXXI Lex Galeria de privatis rebus

CXXII Lex Livia de lege Arminia abroganda

CXXIII Lex Livia de lege Moravia abroganda


  1. Number of the law, by order of approval. The laws are numbered in this tabularium to avoid any confusion between two laws whose name is similar. This number generally has not been approved as a part of the law, at least till MMDCCLX.
  2. The names ("nomen" in latin) of Nova Roma laws follow the usage in ancient Rome, when the word "lex" (law) was followed by the latin name of the proposing magistrate and topic of the law.
  3. Here is the constitutional authority was has approved the text. It is, as in ancient Rome one of the three comitia (centuriata, populi tributa, plebis tributa). In case of a constitutional modification, the vote by the comitia centuriata must be confirmed by the Senate, by a senatus consultum (abbr. above 'SC'). At last, during a dictatorship, the dictator acts with legislative powers, as an assembly. Her/his acts are confirmed by the Senate, by a senatus consultum.
  4. The date in which the presiding magistrate presented the text of the law to the Comitia.
  5. The date in which the presiding magistrate announced the approval of the law in question.
  6. Number of votes in favor of the law versus the votes against. Could be a number of centuries, tribes or senatores.
  7. After its approval, a law could be rescinded or modified by another law, or, in Nova Roma system by a technical modification edict issued by a praetor; if not, the law is considered as "in force".

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